Kit Kat Thins review....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

This is supposed to be a new item.

Found a bag at Wal-mart.

I think these were nice but certainly nothing special.

A solid amount chocolate to wafer though.

Same kit kat level of crunch.

A medium sized thumbs up from me.

This is supposed to be a new item.

Found a bag at Wal-mart.

I think these were nice but certainly nothing special.

A solid amount chocolate to wafer though.

Same kit kat level of crunch.

A medium sized thumbs up from me.

This has nothing to do with the Kitkat review. It adresses your tag line "the hotter the pepper, the better the pepper. If you really feel that way, I have a salsa recipe for you. It's too hot for 90% of the people on this planet, and tasrtes really good, If you're interested, P.M. me.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North

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