Medical question

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Chef Extraordinaire
Mar 17, 2010
south central coast/California
I hesitate to ask, but I'm here every day, and I notice that at the top of the front page it says "Discover Cooking, Discuss Life." so here goes.

Have any of you used Acupuncture? Did it work, and how did you find a reputable Acupuncturist?

These headaches are driving me right up a wall. Yes, I went to my doctor, and had a MRI.....nothing abnormal detected. When I cough or sneeze, I get an instant shooting "charlie horse" kind of pain on the top of the right side of my head that lasts for up to 30 minutes. Ever had a charlie horse for half an hour? I'm ready to kill sumpin.
Anyway, now I'm thinking maybe it's coming from my neck and going to my head. Any ideas about Acupuncture, or something else? Can Acupuncture do any harm?
See a chiropractor or a physical therapist. They may be able to help you too.
That sounds scary, KL. I took acupuncture treatments to quit smoking, to please my boss, not because I wanted to. It didn't work at all, but you have to want to quit. Hopefully someone may have better information. Good luck, my friend.
OOOO! I can help! Not about acupuncture, but maybe about the headache etc. I grind my teeth at night (have worn a night guard for years) and the muscles in my neck and shoulders can sometimes get absolutely gnarled up. When that happens one of the muscles pulls so tight that when I sneeze, cough, laugh too hard I get an instant WHAM! headache. I need to go for regular massage (once every 6 weeks) and that seems to take care of it.

OK, as for the acupuncture bit. My Dad had incredible relief from shingles pain with an acupuncturist and he was a total freak about needles. He got the recommendation from his GP. I'm not sure how it would work in the US though Kayelle. Your medical system is very different. I am sure the acupuncture will help with the pain, but I've got no clue how to go about finding a reputable one in your area. Sorry.
If it is not tension, and might be sinuses, I swear by the Neti-pot. It sounds DREADFUL, but works and is not as bad as it sounds.

I'm allergic to EVERYTHING and had to take allergy shots and medications for years. Since using the Neti-pot, no meds or shots have been needed. My sinus issues always manifested as a headache that would spike when I sneezed. It can't hurt anything and so I offer it up.
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Dave, Z, Alix and Kathleen, thanks so much for the responses and ideas.:flowers:

Alix, you just about hit the nail on the head (pun intended)
When that happens one of the muscles pulls so tight that when I sneeze, cough, laugh too hard I get an instant WHAM! headache.
So glad to hear your Dad was helped with Shingles nerve pain!! That's encouraging.
I'm thinking this is a pinched nerve in my case. This is a daily thing that's been going on for months.:mad: I've had massage therapy and have seen a Chiropractor for other ailments in the past, but this is like nothing I've ever had before. My neck doesn't's my head when I cough or sneeze. I'm nearly certain my Medicare medical insurance won't pay for Acupuncture, but thankfully I'll be able to manage that. I'd still love to hear from anyone who has had any luck with this treatment method.
I know several people who have tried it for various back or neck injuries and were very pleased with the results. My mom saw one for several weeks after her hip surgery (as recommended by her Dr). She LOVED it and would highly recommend it to anyone.

You're not going to make things any worse by trying it and you may even find relief, so I say give it a try!
I have one that shoots up my right shoulder to my neck and behind that ear. The thing is, for me, that it only happens a few times a year. I've never even told my doctor about it, because it simply doesn't happen often enough. Is this the kind of pain you're talking about? A nerve pain rather than, say, a regular headache? If so, since mine happen so seldom I've done nothing about them. But once it happened when I was in an exercise class, and one of the women in the class was a certified masseuse. She took one look at my face, and grabbed and pinched a point on my neck, and VOILA, gone. So, my advice is to check the bone fides of whoever you use -- be it a masseuse or chiropractor or acupuncturist, make sure it isn't just some old hippie who is hanging out a shingle after meditating on the subject for a few years (sorry, but I actually know a couple of people who really do similar things). If you're careful enough, maybe your health insurance might cover it. If after a week or two of the therapy, you don't feel any progress, stop immediately. My insurance covers nothing but very conventional medical care, but if this pain I feel a few times a year was constant enough, I'd consider a couple of these options at my own cost.
My husband has had acupuncture. He broke his neck diving into a pool. ( idiot!) But anyways if he starts having neck pains and headaches now he see's an Acupuncturist for it. He says he feels euphoric afterward, no pain. Ask your Dr about it. Not all of them are good. If you have to pay out of pocket it's really not that expensive.

Yes Claire, I know exactly what you are talking about......what you described happens to me a couple of times a year also, and like you, it's not something I've ever brought up to my Doctor. It happens in an instant, and is gone just as quickly.....feels like lightening struck, right? Agh. Sure not pleasant to be sure.
This is a daily happening that lasts up to 30 min, and yes, the residual pain is similar, although the top of my head instead of behind my ear. Depending on how many times I cough or sneeze during the day, it can make for some really miserable hours.
I had to laugh and nod my head over this:
be it a masseuse or chiropractor or acupuncturist, make sure it isn't just some old hippie who is hanging out a shingle after meditating on the subject for a few years (sorry, but I actually know a couple of people who really do similar things).
Haa too? Exactly what I want to avoid.
TSM for your feed back.

Munky, this sounds encouraging......thanks for taking the time to respond.
But anyways if he starts having neck pains and headaches now he see's an Acupuncturist for it. He says he feels euphoric afterward, no pain. Ask your Dr about it. Not all of them are good. If you have to pay out of pocket it's really not that expensive.
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Uncle Bob old medicine man...make good medicine for many, many moons...recommend you see a Neurologist for diagnosis...then decide on a treatment plan.
Ohmygosh Uncle Bob.....that sounds just so, ummm so....reasonable.

The trouble with a Neurologist for diagnosis, is they are also called Neurosurgeons. Shudder.
Ohmygosh Uncle Bob.....that sounds just so, ummm so....reasonable.

The trouble with a Neurologist for diagnosis, is they are also called Neurosurgeons. Shudder.

They still put their pants on same as anyone else, one leg at a time.
Good point PF and UB........I'll have to see if my Primary Dr. will give me a referral and then wait to see if my Ins. will approve a visit to one.:ermm: I sure know I couldn't do an "out of pocket" to a Neurologist.
Good point PF and UB........I'll have to see if my Primary Dr. will give me a referral and then wait to see if my Ins. will approve a visit to one.:ermm: I sure know I couldn't do an "out of pocket" to a Neurologist.

My insurance paid for the whole thing AND I got my co-pay back. No surgery and tips to make things better for me. I had a compressed ulnar nerve, quite painful, made my left hand go numb...and I'm left handed.
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