Old Venting Thread

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Kick them in their butts with that new knee of yours! ( don't hurt yourself though!!!)
just commiserating with you guys over the packages left outside and crappy workers leaving jobs half-done. been there done that. ((hugs))

if you could say a prayer for my 25-yr old son this afternoon??? He's having oral surgery to remove his wisdom teeth and an abscessed molar (yes, 5 teeth in all) at 2:00 pm Alaska time. Obviously I'm a long way from him and feeling lost that I can't do anything for him. His wife is a RN and will give him excellent care but don'tcha know it isn't like having your momma there.

thanks y'all.
Stupid vent. lol UPS delivers a package. The garage door is wide open. It's raining cats and dogs. Where does he leave the package?? In front of the front door.............which is right next to the open garage door!!!! It's a good thing we were home to get it right away. GGrrrrrrr

I know what you mean! Ours likes to leave things on the front steps, right in front of the door. This means, of course, that if I am in the house, to get the package I often have to push it from the top step with the door. Hopefully they will never leave anything fragile there.

Last December James bought me two pairs of shoes for Christmas. UPS left the package on the steps while I was gone. When I came home I found the box and shoes torn up (dogs across the road) and strewn all over the yard.

Our mail carrier knows to leave packages in one of our cars if we aren't here, and the others say they will, but so far they haven't.

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On top of really bad kidney stone pain this week (going through Hydrocodone practically like candy), my cellulitis is flaring up again. :(:mad::( I am back on two antibiotics and had an antibiotic shot today.

Unrelated to those, and not a vent (it just goes along with the doctor visit), the doctor switched me back to my old blood pressure medicine, since my heart has been racing a lot right after I go to bed.

Pain, pain, go away. Don't come back on any day!

On top of really bad kidney stone pain this week (going through Hydrocodone practically like candy), my cellulitis is flaring up again. :(:mad::( I am back on two antibiotics and had an antibiotic shot today.

Unrelated to those, and not a vent (it just goes along with the doctor visit), the doctor switched me back to my old blood pressure medicine, since my heart has been racing a lot right after I go to bed.

Pain, pain, go away. Don't come back on any day!

get off your feet or else...Santa is watching:LOL: I guess I better have a talk with James and see what we can do to get you better...Really sweetie, please take it easy on yourself.
Barbara, I agree with Kades. Please rest. Please try to illiminate stress and Please get better soon. I am praying for relief for you.
Well I am back in the venting column but it is not about me. There is a young couple who are very dear to us. I have known the husband since he was 10 and is now 24 with a family of his own. His wife is pure joy...I catered there entire wedding and for those who have seen my daisy wedding cake, it was for her. She brought an adorable little (then) 2 year old into the marriage and he is now four. He is such a go-getter which is amazing because he only has 1 1/2 legs. Last week he had surgery to remove what they call his "little foot" (basically a heel and 3 toes on the end of the deformed leg) so that they can make a better prothesis and eventually get him one with a knee.

It took a lot for the couple to decide on the surgery because all that could go right or wrong. I spoke with them after my surgery to talk about the pain of bone being cut. I tried to assure them that my getting infection was not a normal thing and that he would be fine. I am not beating myself up over this because I know they didn't take that as gospel, but the poor little guy is back in hospital with both infection and gangerine in the area. They may have to operate again.

I am angry because while all this happened to me I am an adult who can understand and take it. But to have it happen (and be worse) for a little boy who just wants to play with his little brother and run around, just isn't fair. For those of you who do, please pray for this little one that he won't have to go through more surgery, specially another amputation.

Thanks, friends.
I'm praying for your little friend as well Laurie.

I am taking it easy. I lie down now and then and keep my foot up. I got to the doctor as soon as I could, since I don't want to go through that agony again!

i cannot stop fretting. school's soon, & i'm so tearful. i figure cause i'm psyched.
You have the prayers and support of a lot of people sweetie. I was always nervous as school approached, but once that first day was over everything was always fine. You will do great!

I understand, too, Luvs.........I used to actually be nauseous before certain exams and if I wasn't nauseous I was running to the loo..........it's normal to have butterflies when embarking on new challenges........just knowing your personality from this site you'll do great.......take a nice warm bath with candles and play some relaxing music the evening before and practice relaxation breathing....be positive

Barbs, I have a staph infection accompanied by cellulitis in what started out as a very small sebaceous cyst.......now it is quite swollen, angry red, hurts like the dickens.....I am now on antibiotics, too, for 10 days.......the Dr. said that it would look worse before it would bet better......she's right.......I remember your experience with cellulitis and can only sympathize with you..........please take it easy..........
i cannot stop fretting. school's soon, & i'm so tearful. i figure cause i'm psyched.
Relax sweetie,
you're excited and once things get going you will be just fine. I know you can do this..
Ijust saw the note about the little one...He has all my thoughts and prayers..You know how I feel about little kids so know these prayers will be intense and continuous..Keep me posted and the Lord wil lkeep his hand on the little ones shoulder.
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