Our pets

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I just realized that we all have come to love Shrek as much as we do PF. And the two fur babies? Well, what is there not to love? :angel:
Thank you everyone. Smudge is snuggled next to my hip, trying to get comfortable. I'll have to move soon to get dressed and get her into the carrier. This is going to break our hearts.
Our big guy Ollie is going lame. He's 12 and diabetic. Not sure how much longer we can keep him around. He stays downstairs all the time now and has trouble getting up off the floor. Every week we think "Is it time?" but he's still wants to be with us, has a good appetite and doesn't seem to be in pain. He's been such a good, loving dog we hate to say goodbye. We've never put down a pet before. They always went on their own.


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Sorry to hear that about Ollie, {{{Jabbur}}}. I find when it's their time, they let you know.
Our big guy Ollie is going lame. He's 12 and diabetic. Not sure how much longer we can keep him around. He stays downstairs all the time now and has trouble getting up off the floor. Every week we think "Is it time?" but he's still wants to be with us, has a good appetite and doesn't seem to be in pain. He's been such a good, loving dog we hate to say goodbye. We've never put down a pet before. They always went on their own.
Sounds like it's not time yet. It's such a hard thing to have to decide. (((Hugs)))
Our big guy Ollie is going lame. He's 12 and diabetic. Not sure how much longer we can keep him around. He stays downstairs all the time now and has trouble getting up off the floor. Every week we think "Is it time?" but he's still wants to be with us, has a good appetite and doesn't seem to be in pain. He's been such a good, loving dog we hate to say goodbye. We've never put down a pet before. They always went on their own.

He is certainly alert and happy looking. {{{Jabbur and Ollie}}}

We ended up not taking Smudge today, we started a new dry food this morning and she went to town on it. Watchful waiting.
Jabbur, what helped one of our old cockers was when the vet put him on Rimadyl when the old bones started to give out.
Tough times with the Furkids, PF and jabbur. Hang in there and know you guys have a whole slew of people here thinking about your pets.

PF, do you think Shrek might like a few of those kibbles? :stuart:
-The things we do to accommodate our family members. DxW's dog is 13yo,her breed usually lives til about 9-10. She is getting a litte arthritic and is too heavy to lift into bed. Dx had an extra thick modern mattress. She combed every used store in town for a Clean regular thickness mattress so the dog can now jump back into bed. Yes, those few inches do make a difference. I'm looking for a Wide short stepping stool, because the mattress height will only work for so long and then it's back to square one.
Whiska, Beagle uses doggie stairs from Dr. Smith and Foster in order to get into our high bed as she's so small. Some assembly required. Some Walgreens and probably Petco sell doggie stairs. They really help.
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Thinking of all of you and the beloved furbabies....gosh, what we wouldn't do for them, if it's at all possible. :heart: My little friend will be 15 this summer, and so far so good, but he's getting to be a little more demanding and spoiled. :LOL: :wub: Hims loves to cuddle in my bed.


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