Petty Vents

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Guess I'm lucky. Most of the time I can't find the rip-off thing, much less shred my hand on it. Guess I'm a slow learner.

I use my teeth.
Hm. I was just going to make it pointy, but this bill cap thing interests me. I'm a bit of of a sculptor. I think I can handle this.
This a link to an incident that happened the other day.

I hate a bully. My 6 year old is dealing with some bullies at school now. The teacher evidently can't do anything about it. Some older kids want to take his eye out and come at him with raised fist. I'm fed up and about to in and raise holy heck with the principal. Its a good thing he don't know thier names because I would likely be beating on some doors.
This a link to an incident that happened the other day.

I hate a bully. My 6 year old is dealing with some bullies at school now. The teacher evidently can't do anything about it. Some older kids want to take his eye out and come at him with raised fist. I'm fed up and about to in and raise holy heck with the principal. Its a good thing he don't know thier names because I would likely be beating on some doors.

OK. I've been in education for over 35 years. Firstly, demand a meeting with the teacher and principal. Express your concerns. If that doesn't work, tell them you want the superintendant involved. If that doesn't work, contact the school board.

You will get results. Also, go to the school's website and kick up some dirt. It's public.

Schools are not tolerating bullying anymore. We have aides riding on the busses here too.
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Bullying is unacceptable for any child or reason. When my son Poo entered middle school, right at the start on day one, there were two high school kids that started bullying him. He finally told me about it after he refused to go to school two days in a row. I immediately called the principal. No, I do not want to speak to the secretary, no I do not want to speak to his teacher, I WANT TO SPEAK TO THE PRINCIPAL! When I told him the problem he immediately knew who the kids were. They had threatened other kids also. One with death. The School Department along with the victim's parents decided to bring felony charges against them. Found guilty. Suspended for life from ever returning to the school district to finish their education. Also served a six month sentence locked up. Case closed. I didn't like the idea of the kids being locked up, but at the same time thought the sentence was appropriate.
The principal finally returned our call and assured us there is no bullying in this school. Period. Zane finally told us who the kid is and I know his dad pretty good. I'm going to go talk to him. If it was just some teaasing that's one thing. Kids will always tease each other. But when you have first graders threatning kindergarten kids. That can't be tolerated.
Beagle spotted the neighbor's dog, whom she despises. Australian shepherd. Three times her size. For some reason she detests him. He's a nice dog, but is terrified of Beagle.

So as I was taking her out for her afternoon walk,she spotted him and went nuts. She yanked me and I leapt down 5 concrete steps in one jump and didn't faceplant. I landed on my feet! I've never seen such a strong 22 lb dog.

The neighbor's dog does like to poop in our yard. Maybe that's what angers Beagle.
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For some unknown reason, God has given humans the capacity to just love our pets, no matter what they do.

We had a short very heavy downpour while Spike was walking Teddy. He then came here. They enter my apartment, Teddy jumps up on my bed while I am sleeping and then proceeds to shake every single raindrop onto me. But I still love the little bugger.

Stop laughing! I can hear you. Next time Teddy comes to your house.
With the advent of the smartphone camera, crappy pictures are taking over the internet. My particular pet peeve is backlit photos.

You cannot take a decent photo if the subject is between the photographer and the light source. Your camera/phone will adjust exposure based on the bright light source, throwing the subject into darkness.

You have to reposition the photo or use a flash.


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With the advent of the smartphone camera, crappy pictures are taking over the internet. My particular pet peeve is backlit photos.

You cannot take a decent photo if the subject is between the photographer and the light source. Your camera/phone will adjust exposure based on the bright light source, throwing the subject into darkness.

You have to reposition the photo or use a flash.

So right Andy. Think of a pro photographer. The always have the light source in front of you or just slightly overhead in front of the subject. That picture you posted, needs to be removed from the camera. All it does is show how dumb the taker is. And it is using up storage space.
I am famous for my crappy pictures. And proud of it!

No backlighting. I take them on my floor or stove, or on a pillow or something.
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BT, your DW must be a wild woman in the kitchen! ;) I don't lose too many battles with my kitchen gear.

Addie, those pop-ups won't work when I'm covering a 10# ham or an 9zx13 cake pan unless I blanket-stitch a bunch of them together! :LOL: Besides, if the plan is to prevent me from getting cut, keep this in mind: this is the first time I can think of that I have cut myself like this on a cutting strip. If I'm supposed to keep myself safe, I'm going to have to throw out every knife that isn't a butter knife. I've cut myself WAY more times with knives than aluminum foil cutters. Heck, I've cut myself with a sheet of paper more often!

My foil arrived. I am surprised how wide the foil is. 18"X500ft.! I thought I had ordered the sheets. Instead I ordered restaurant size box of foil. It is a roll instead. It is heavier and easier to use than the thin foil. Next time I will read a lot closer what I am ordering.
I am famous for my crappy pictures. And proud of it!

No backlighting. I take them on my floor or stove, or on a pillow or something.

I have a dark blue chair. It is in a darkish part of the room. I took a picture of it and notice I have a flash on my camera. The picture came out fine. I don't take pictures often. Maybe I need to start learning just what my phone can do.
With the advent of the smartphone camera, crappy pictures are taking over the internet. My particular pet peeve is backlit photos.

You cannot take a decent photo if the subject is between the photographer and the light source. Your camera/phone will adjust exposure based on the bright light source, throwing the subject into darkness.

You have to reposition the photo or use a flash.
That's what fill flash is for.
Got a cell phone for emergency use only...yes, I buckled under. Sitting here in the cell phone dead zone, have to wait until I go to town tomorrow to finish setting it up. Shrek is freaking out about not being able to use it "right now". It's for emergencies, like the next time I end up in the ER, not for phoning Mom and Dad for a chat.
"The next time"? :ermm: I sure hope you don't end up in the ER again. The way you worded it, it sounds like you expect it to be inevitable. Get and stay healthy-ish, PF, your dear Shrek and family love you. Us, too! :heart:

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