Pigsfoot Jelly and Persimmon Beer Paperback

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Chef Extraordinaire
Sep 9, 2004
NoVA, beyond the Beltway
We drove up to Harper's Ferry, WV this morning. At the National Park Service visitor center, I picked up this little paperback for about $10 entitled Pigsfoot Jelly and Persimmon Beer.

It's a compendium of interviews, oral histories, and articles about food practices and customs in Virginia that were written up during the Depression under the Federal Writers Project.

Looks pretty interesting, and even has the info about Brunswick stew that I was looking for a couple of days ago.

I'll let y'all know what's in it after I've read a bit more.
I love reading about culinary history and tradition Mudbug, that book sounds like it'd be so much fun. I hope it proves to be a great read for you :)
Finally finished it.

Mostly oral or otherwise 'histories', some rather fake-sounding (I don't think the Virginian state dish is fried chicken).

Interesting stuff about Brunswick stew (supposedly NOT from Georgia). Will type it out when I'm feeling less lazy.
That's sounds an interesting book, Mudbug.

One of my favourite books (in a similar way) is A Scots Kitchen by F Marian MacNeill. It was originally written in about 1929 and I have my Granny's first edition - well thumbed and much loved by three generations of my family. BUT I recently bought a new edition (it's STILL in print!) because I didn't want to cause further damage to the original. It has some fascinating history - as well as genuine recipes.

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