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Executive Chef
Oct 7, 2009
San Diego CA
No grilling or BBQing today. Inviting some people over from Church after services are over for a little Pozole.

Did a rotisserie turkey and a whole stuffed pork loin yesterday. Took a boatload of pics but not of the turkey or pork loin.
Mexican stew, nice, what did you use for the broth?

Just added a bunch of cubed pork butt in water and simmered until the pork was soft. Once soft we added salt, bay leaves, Enchilada sauce, pork neck bones, garlic and hominy and let it simmer for at least another hour.

When served in a bowl thinly sliced radishes, cabbage, chopped fine onion, hot sauce and a squeeze of lime is added to your bowl. It is also served with tostadas with hot sauce added too.

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