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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Better late than never.........

Highlight between the brackets to see the "question"........
JEOPARDY- Term Coiners
1. ($400)- Enrico Fermi's name for this particle means "little neutral one" in Italian...
[ what is the neutrino ? ]
2. ($1200)- It's the name Sir Richard Owen gave to a "terrible Lizard"...
[what is a dinosaur ?]
3. ($2000)- Herbert Spencer, not Darwin, coined this four-word phrase to describe
competition among group members...
[ what is "survival of the fittest ? ]

Double JEOPARDY- Yesterday's Personalities
4.($800)- This famous early twentieth century entertainer was hard to keep under lock
and key...
[ who is Harry Houdini ?]
5. ($2400)- He's the 1912 Olympian and professional athlete often called "The Greatest
Athlete of All Time"...
[who is Jim Thorpe ? ]
6. ($4000)- Jerome Kern was inspired to write "Ol' Man River" for this African-
American singer...
[ who is Paul Robeson ? ]
Final JEOPARDY- Conditions
It's a condition manifest by chest pain or discomfort that occurs when the heart does not
get enough oxygen because of reduced blood flow to the heart. It is usually a symptom of
coronary heart disease.
[ what is Angina ? ]

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