Stuffed Artichokes

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Stuffed Artichokes

Nice large firm artichokes
Romano cheese - ungrated block - cut or shaved into small, thin slivers
Parmesan cheese - ungrated block - cut or shaved into small, thin slivers
Fresh garlic - slivered or shaved into thin slices
Mozzarella- block - cut into small slices
Grated Romano & parmesan cheese
Plain bread crumbs
Dry herbs and spices - oregano, basil, parsley, garlic powder, onion powder, adobo seasoning, Salt, Fresh ground black pepper (I use the 5 corn blend), Hot red pepper flakes (I grind mine into powder for easier blending) - to taste -you may substitute fresh herbs and spices chopped fine
Olive oil

Clean artichokes by cutting off stems and sharp tips off the leaves. Boil in salted water with lemon (to prevent discoloration). (you can also microwave by putting in micro safe container with water, place foil ONLY over top of chokes so the microwaves can only cook from the bottom up - foil is safe so long as microwaves can hit some part of the food NEVER completely cover food or you get sparks). And cook till you can just pull a center leaf out easily with a tug. Remove from pot and run under cold water to cool and stop cooking. after cooled remove as much of the fuzzy stuff (the deadman or choke) as you can from the centers and rinse. Place a sliver of garlic and a sliver of each cheese between each leaf of choke. In bowl mix crumbs, grated cheeses, herbs and spices to taste. After chokes are stuffed with cheese and garlic they will be "open" enough to just sprinkle crumb mixture over the top of chokes and it will fill in the leaves. Any extra cheeses and crumb mixture can be used to fill in the center of artichoke. Place in a deep pan or pot with small amount of water and lemon juice. Drizzle chokes with olive oil. Cover and steam till leaves pull out easily and cheese is melted.
Wonderful and I've made a copy so we can enjoy your wonderful chokes..I have to say though the pepper flakes will have to be left out of mine..Esophagus scar tissue so nothing to hot withr with spices or from cooking. Thank youfor sharing this looks wonderful and I can almost taste it already.
Wonderful and I've made a copy so we can enjoy your wonderful chokes..I have to say though the pepper flakes will have to be left out of mine..Esophagus scar tissue so nothing to hot withr with spices or from cooking. Thank youfor sharing this looks wonderful and I can almost taste it already.

Glad you like the recipe. Please let me know if you like it. It's ok to leave the red pepper out, just add more of the other herbs and spice to give it some kick.
himt: keep a cut lemon nearby; artichokes blacken faster than an eye!
thats why after i cut them they go right into a pot of water with lemon and salt for boiling.

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