Taking a Bath in the Restaurant Sink, Thats Why I Prefer to Eat at Home

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
So, has anyone seen the news yesterday, about the Burger King employee who video taped , then posted himself taking a bath in the sink at the Burger King he worked at. Now, sure it isnt a fine dining place, but it amazes me what goes on in the kitchen. I think the only way to guarantee a trustworthy meal is to cook it yourself in your own kitchen, assuming you dont bath in the sink either.

It appears they fired the guy, and also got rid of the kitchen items he soiled, but it still keeps me wondering what goes on in the kitchen before I get my meals.
Either that guy is small or that is a big sink. I prefer eating at home mostly because I like my own cooking .
So, has anyone seen the news yesterday, about the Burger King employee who video taped , then posted himself taking a bath in the sink at the Burger King he worked at. Now, sure it isnt a fine dining place, but it amazes me what goes on in the kitchen. I think the only way to guarantee a trustworthy meal is to cook it yourself in your own kitchen, assuming you dont bath in the sink either.

It appears they fired the guy, and also got rid of the kitchen items he soiled, but it still keeps me wondering what goes on in the kitchen before I get my meals.

That's why we dine out bi-monthly. :chef:
another Burger King story...

We were standing in line and one of the people in front of us was a homeless man.
He bought some fries and went and sat down. A few minutes later he walked to the front of the line and complained that his fries had pepper on them. The worker dude took the fries back...AND THREW THEM BACK IN THE BOX WITH THE REST OF THE FRIES!!!! Needless to say...we left with out getting food!
another Burger King story...

We were standing in line and one of the people in front of us was a homeless man.
He bought some fries and went and sat down. A few minutes later he walked to the front of the line and complained that his fries had pepper on them. The worker dude took the fries back...AND THREW THEM BACK IN THE BOX WITH THE REST OF THE FRIES!!!! Needless to say...we left with out getting food!

My son and his wife came home from a trip and were grossed out over this:

They were offered a first class seat for $100 during a flight to Florida. It was a breakfast flight and of course came with a complete meal. My son had finished most of his breakfast but left one slice of bacon and most of his scrambled eggs.
The man sitting across from my son had fallen asleep and just before he woke up the flight attendant realized that there were no more eggs. She took my son's plate, scraped off the remaining bacon and eggs and put it in front of the sleeper waking him up. They were so grossed out over this they will refuse any airline food now. They are both sorry they didn't tell the passenger about it.

I fly first class but I always book the first seat and because of that I get served first. I ain't takin any chances. :LOL:
That's just plain crude!!!!
Back during the 70's I had a friend who worked the graveyard shift at a Jack-In-The-Box.
He used to tell me what they did with the burger patties before serving them to some of these high school punks who frequented the drive thru in the middle of the night.
Since he told me this I have not gone to a JITB ever since...
If you don't see it, you won't know. We had people in family employed working in kitchens. No wonder they all prefer to eat at home. It would just really gross you out especially if someone complained about anything. I just wonder if they wouldn't taste a difference in the meal? The way people retaliate really bothers me. How can they sleep at night?

Oh saw a show called 'Cheaters' where an employee urinated in the bosses coffee and the boss didn't notice it. then they showed him the video and got mad then. The employee was having affair with the bosses wife. I just don't understand how people can live with themselves after doing this.

Hope I never made anyone sick but when I see something I just can't forget.
Back during the 70's I had a friend who worked the graveyard shift at a Jack-In-The-Box.
He used to tell me what they did with the burger patties before serving them to some of these high school punks who frequented the drive thru in the middle of the night.
Since he told me this I have not gone to a JITB ever since...

JITB isn't the issue - that could happen anywhere.
The fire department Haz Mat team is always over at the Burger King by my office. I've been in ther once in 20 years and the stench totally repulsed me.

I worked at KFC and McDonalds in high school and college and we didn't do anything bad to the customers. Seriously. Even if they were jerks.

At KFC the guys would bread up their hands and dunk them in the fryer. Bad idea. Also, a woman got her fingers cut off in the cole slaw machine. I believe we dumped that batch. My friend's nail polish came off when she was making the cole slaw with her hands (no gloves). She served that.

At McD's I barfed into a customer's bag while filling the order. I was super hungover and was sent home. They threw out the order. One night our manager (a fellow high school student) put a gallon of vodka into the orange drink syrup and we "partied" all night. Did not serve to customers.
I worked in restaurants for about 15 years and I saw some of the nastiest things in some of them and others were so clean that you would have believed it was a home kitchen. (Well one that someone cleans) We don't eat out alot either and I raise and preserve alot of our food because I just don't have much faith in how safe our food is.
I guess none of you want to eat at my house. Up until just a few months ago we bathed my son in our kitchen sink for every bath :LOL:

I worked at an Orange Julius many years ago. None of us ever did anything to anyones drinks. No one even said they wanted to even in jest. We just never considered it. We did, however, store some bottles of booze in one of the cabinets and would make our own special Orange Julius's while we were cleaning up for the night.

There is a website I used to read that was for people in the restaurant industry to tell their horror stories. The things that go on in ever level of restaurant from fast food to super classy would make you never want to eat out ever again if you let it get to you. I have to believe that I have eaten food before that I should not have. Maybe something got dropped on the floor or taken off someones plate and recycled onto mine. I am still here though and of the opinion that (in most cases) what I do not know will not hurt me. It is a chance I am willing to take because I enjoy easting out.
I'd bet that was a stunt to get attention.

I haven't eaten at one of those fast food places in years. At the end of the day, I consider them really expensive for what they are. I prefer to save my "eating out money" to dine at a really good place.

Rather than stopping at a "quickie" place when I don't feel like cooking, I'd rather come home and scramble an egg! :ermm:
My friend used to be a repair man for some company. They service comercial kitchens, he did not eat almost anywhere, but a couple places. The stories he told me were horible. I still eat out when I can. Thank G-d it is not very often.
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