Thank You For This Site And The Friendship!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Contest Winner
Feb 12, 2005
Pageland SC
I am thankful for this site were people don't respond ugly and one can relax and just have some fun. This is the way it should be. I know some of you out there know of me, And well maybe tolerate me because of my lovely wife. Yes she is here on this site. Peace be with you all God Bless you and keep you safe. In Gods Eyes we all are Maidrite. Remember if you think you can or you can't you are probably right.
{{{{{Maidrite}}}}} (geez, I hope your wife didn't see that VERY long, steamy hug! ;)

I'm glad you are part of our site. You are a welcome addition and have to be a wonderful person - thanks for the kind words also.
Glad you like it here Maidrite. This place Rawks! When are we going to get together for a pizza and a beer?

I am always ready for PIZZA PIE and A BEER, THAT MEANS NOW PLEASE:)

Well MJ Your know I like Pizza more than you! And well Beer is Just Right for Pizza and Great for Friends! When the Cubs Win The World Series This YEAR. Man I am Telling you That Pizza Pie and Beer will Be Ever so Sweet! Thank You as well KitchenElf and All.
Hi Maidrite,

I'm glad you're here. I like your signature. It sounds like something my dad would say. :cool:

:) Barbara
Maidrite...did your wife see that big hug from the Elf? Ooooooooo I bet she is going to get you now! 8)
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