The Naked Chef!

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May 22, 2009
Jamie Oliver , is a really young and talented Chef .. :chef:

I like the way he cooks and the way he loves life ..
i am one of his best fans !
But still i dont like him on a stage cooking .

he is better in his Tv normal show ..
anyhow .. i just saw a recipe for him , that i like so much but i stil cant post URL since i have just registerd ..

anyway ..... SEE YA . :angel:

Love , Mandy.
He's a really good cook - but I'm glad he's dropped all that "Look at me on my scooter, I'm really popular me being a top chef and I've got a basketball hoop in me house!" stuff.
yea his cooking on stage stuff is cheesy, he has a lamb curry song on youtube where he sings a song while cooking. its painful to watch, but jamie is great on tv.
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