Today the noobs abound!!!

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Senior Cook
Jul 13, 2008
It looks like this place is getting more crowded by the minute! Hope you have room for one more because ive got lots to ask and maybe a little to teach. I guess this is where I say something a little about myself right? Well im 28, hungry and in love not only with anything edible but with my beautiful finance. The only kids I have though are my Chef Wear school issued knives. Not the top name in knives but I keep them sharp enough to cut a ticker tape that is falling through the air right in half (dont try that at home kids). Oh yeah....I love pig too. Its supposed to be one of the "unclean" animals but if God didnt want us to eat them why did he make them so tasty?!?!

Anthony Bourdain
Alain Ducasse
Bernard Loiseau..RIP:(
God......thank you for giving me sharp teeth to rip my meat into bite size pieces and flat ones to grind it into a tasty, unrecognizable pulp. Mad props!! :pig:
Also to Fernando Uegarra for re-igniting my fire for cooking
about my screen name.....i like my steak rare......slap the cow on the backside and walk him past the fire. To graphic maybe? I was gonna go with ButterflyLover001 but........
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It's great to have you here! Love the sig.
Sounds like you're a perfect match to our ever-growing family here.

Now, shall we call you blood, blade or botb?

(I like blade myself)
How about you call me BOB for short......of course you can call me anything you want, just dont call me late for dinner HAR HAR HAR!!
welcome, botb.

a buddy of mine orders his steaks similarly, "knock the horns off, wipe it's butt, and walk it past the fire".
Honestly I came from a family of well-done steak eaters. The first time I ate beef carpaccio my eyes were opened to a whole new world. For those who never have had beef carpaccio, its raw or slightly seared beef tenderloin (and ONLY tenderloin, other cuts may have icky bacterias!) sliced thin classically served with parmesean cheese, aruguala and olive oil....i like reduced balsmic vinegar and a little cracked pepper on mine. Ive also had it with Port Wine reduction abd crispy crumbled bacon...YUMMY!!

What part of joisey are you from Bucky...i spent 10 years of my childhood life in Blackwood.
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yo BLood! btw, nothing wrong with a chefwear knife...good basic tool which if sharpened, as you say, one too from culinary many years ago. It is still my travel blade. Welcome.
blackwood, that's down by philly, right?

i'm in north jersey, the exact opposite end , in bergen county. lived my whole life in nyc and nj, within a few miles of the gw bridge.

except for a month i spent in wisconsin one night. :cool: (lol, actually, it was 6 months.)

carpaccio is awesome. i like mine with some shaved locatelli and a little lemon, cracked pepper, and grassy olive oil, over a bitter green.
and a red.

hey, i just recommended it to a friend and fellow dc'er, vickiq, but have you tried bresaola. it's beef that's cured like prosciutto. not cooked. ask around for it, it's so good.

next week i'll be in one of your necks of the woods, amish country, for a little r&r and gluttony.
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Had to Google locatelli..didnt recognize the brand name. Im sure you could probably find bresaola closer to NYC than I could. Dutch PA isnt really a very diverse market. Sure we got lots of fresh produce and dairy but one time I offered my next door neighbor some sushi I had just made and her response to me was "Oh no thanks. Im far too Pennsylvania Dutch for that!" What are you planning to see in your stay? Hershey Park is always a good time.
p.s. Bucky...was reading you signature and it reminded of a song by Flogging Molly. Where do you get it from?

For there are many ways to kill a man they say
With bayonet, axe, or sword
But son a bullet fired from a shapeless guise
Leaves but the shell of a Thompson gun
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