Trivia 10/1

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 10/1
In the summer heat, the iron in France's Eiffel Tower expands, making the
tower grow more than 6 inches.

1. Hatshepsut was quite different from most pharaohs. Why is that?
2. Ancient Asia Minor is a geographic region located in the south-western
part of Asia comprising most of what is present-day .....
a. - Iran
b. - Turkmenistan
c. - Bulgaria
d. - Turkey
3. From the Punmaster;
How did the Medieval French Chef arrive at his restaurant ?
4. Which 1982 hit tune's opening lines are, 'I am just a poor boy, though my
story's seldom told,
I have squandered my resistance for a pocket full of mumbles, such are
5. How often does the Catholic Church say you MUST you go to Confession?
6. In which country did the Tunguska Event occur ?
a. - China
b. - Russia
c. - Mongolia
d. - Afghanistan
7. Jean Renoir's was grand, Guns N' Roses wanted us to use it, and Voltaire
called it "the first of all pleasures". What is this thing ?
8. Name the three most well-known actors to play the role of the Joker ...

Children and teens should avoid taking aspirin because of the thinning of
the blood, which then carries less oxygen.
1. Hatshepsut was a woman
2. - d
3. A La Carte
4. 'The Boxer'
5. Once a Year
6. - b
7. Illusion
8. Cesar Romero, Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger

Children and teens should avoid taking aspirin because of Reye's Syndrome, a
deadly disease that has been associated with children, teens and even adults
who take aspirin for fever and pain. It is almost always associated with a
previous viral infection, such as a cold, flu, or chicken pox. All body
organs are affected, with the liver and brain suffering most seriously. The
alternative is acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

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