Trivia 11/11

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 11/11
Graffiti has existed since Neolithic times when nomads would leave traces of
their journeys by scratching signs on rocks and caves.

1. What's the most obvious difference between snails and slugs ?
2. Split Personality Dept;
Sam Baldwin, Andrew Beckett, Captain Richard Phillips ...
3. When crocheting, how many needles are used?
4. Which musician released his debut solo album "She's the Boss" in 1987?
a. - Jeff Beck
b. - Mick Jagger
c. - Tom Petty
d. - Ozzie Osbourne
5. Who starred in the 1979 movie 'Love At First Bite'?
a. - Arte Johnson
b. - George Hamilton
c. - Both
d. - Neither
6. Who was the acting president of the United States for just under three
hours while President George Walker Bush was incapacitated?
7. What country was the first to implement Kindergarten ?
8. Which Ad slogan have children been proudly proclaiming since 1958 for a
hygienic product originally marketed as Fluoristan?

The Vienna Boys Choir tours the world performing about 300 concerts a year,
dressed in sailor Suits.
1. Snails have shells and slugs do not
2. Tom Hanks
3. None (a hook is used )
4. - b
5. - c
6. Dick Cheney
7. Germany
8. "Look, Ma, no cavities!"

The Vienna Boys Choir has its roots going as far back as 1498 when a boys
choir was established by a request from Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg. It
was actually founded in 1924 and is now one of the most famous boy's choirs
in the world. There are about 100 choristers between the ages of ten and
fourteen years of age. The age profile is governed by the fact that they are
sopranos and they have to leave once their voice breaks. All the boys wear a
blue and white sailor suit.

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