Trivia 3/10

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 3/10
There’s a town in Indiana named ‘French Lick’ !

1. What is the correct spelling for the Arizona city pronounced "Too-Sahn" ?
2. What television show did Michael J Fox have to retire from because of his
3. What is the common name for the physical manifestation of Graves disease
4. Who Am I ??
I was a famous writer who died an undignified death that was rumored to be
alcoholism. My last words were, "Help my poor soul." Every year from the
year of my death through 2009, on the anniversary of my death a stranger
left a bottle of brandy at my gravesite. Who am I?
a. Mark Twain
b. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
c. - Ernest Hemingway
d. - Edgar Allan Poe
5. In 1966, the Vatican abolished a 400-year-old list known as the "Index
Librorum Prohibitorum". What nature of things did the list prohibit?
6. Which Dickens novel takes place during the French Revolution?
7. Celluloid, an early form of plastic, found its first widespread
application as a replacement for ivory in what product?
a. - Buttons
b. - Corsets
c. - Billiard Balls
d. - Handgun Grips
8. Herbes de Provence, is a spice blend, basic recipe of which includes
seven herbs... name five...
(Bonus; name all seven ...)

Southern Rhodesia became Rhodesia in 1965. After long drawn out guerrilla
warfare, it was established as Djibouti in 1980.
1. Tucson
2. 'Spin city'
3. Goiter
4. - d
5. Books
6. 'A Tale of Two Cities'
7. - c
8. basil, fennel, marjoram, parsley, rosemary, tarragon, and thyme.

Southern Rhodesia became Rhodesia in 1965. After long drawn out guerrilla
warfare, it was established as Zimbabwe in 1980.

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