trivia 3/27

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 3/27
A starfish uses its arms to force open shellfish, turns its stomach inside out onto the prey, and ingests it.

1. What is the largest single formation in the world constructed by living organisms?
2. what color is the blood of horseshoe crabs?
a. – red
b. – white
c. – blue
d. – yellow
3. Office paper is typically sold in reams ; how many sheets are in a ream ?
4. Emilio, Ramon, Carlos and Renee are the children of which American actor?
5. The album "Magical Mystery Tour" was released in what year ?
6. Biblical Personals ad ;
“SF seeks man willing to work hard for me - at least seven years.”
a. - Keturah
b. - Rebekah
c. - Rachel
d. – Sarah
7. Which country is the originator of the high speed "Bullet Train"?
8. What’s the only thing that remained in Pandora’s box, after she opened it ?

George Washington’s step-son, 27 year-old Jackie Custis Washington, died on the field of battle at Yorktown.
1. Great Barrier reef
2. - c
3. 500
4. Martin Sheen
5. 1967
6. – c
7. Japan
8. Hope
Jackie served as a civilian aide-de-camp to Washington during the siege of Yorktown. He contracted "camp fever"(probably typhus) there. Shortly after the surrender of Cornwallis he died, on November 5, 1781.
Not too good today (what else is new?!). I got the ones in red:

1. Great Barrier reef
2. - c
3. 500 --I knew this but for some stupid reason said 800!
4. Martin Sheen
5. 1967
6. – c
7. Japan
8. Hope


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