Chef Extraordinaire
trivia 3/4 DID YOU KNOW...
Growth has made Las Vegas one of the wealthiest cities in the country, but it has also brought problems to the area. Las Vegas is among the country's leaders in personal and property crimes, as well as suicide rates, alcohol consumption, and illegal drug use.
1. What's the meat used in "Oso Bucco" ( "Bone with a Hole") ?
2. What famous Children's story begins with the line, "Where's Papa going with that axe ?"
3. What Country is the World's largest producer of Olive Oil ?
a. - Greece
b. - Spain
c. - Italy
d. -France
4. What's the Tallest Bird native to North America ?
5. What do we call a human rib that's attached only to the spine and not to the Sternum ?
(Bonus; how many of these ribs do we have ?)
6. In NASCAR, what does a yellow rear bumper indicate about the driver ?
7.New York's Madison Avenue is known for its Admen; London's Savile Row for its Tailors ; For What profession is K street in Washington, D.C. best known ?
8. What larger-then-life American Character was played in the movies by Kurt Russell in 1993 and Kevin Costner in 1994 ?
"Testophobia" is the fear of castration.
1. Veal Shanks
2. Charlotte's Web
3. b. - Spain, followed by Italy, then Greece
4. The Whooping Crane
5. "Floating Ribs" ( four; Acceptable - two sets)
6. A Rookie Driver ; referred to as a "Yellow Tail"
7. Lobbyists
8. Wyatt Earp
It's the fear of taking tests.
Growth has made Las Vegas one of the wealthiest cities in the country, but it has also brought problems to the area. Las Vegas is among the country's leaders in personal and property crimes, as well as suicide rates, alcohol consumption, and illegal drug use.
1. What's the meat used in "Oso Bucco" ( "Bone with a Hole") ?
2. What famous Children's story begins with the line, "Where's Papa going with that axe ?"
3. What Country is the World's largest producer of Olive Oil ?
a. - Greece
b. - Spain
c. - Italy
d. -France
4. What's the Tallest Bird native to North America ?
5. What do we call a human rib that's attached only to the spine and not to the Sternum ?
(Bonus; how many of these ribs do we have ?)
6. In NASCAR, what does a yellow rear bumper indicate about the driver ?
7.New York's Madison Avenue is known for its Admen; London's Savile Row for its Tailors ; For What profession is K street in Washington, D.C. best known ?
8. What larger-then-life American Character was played in the movies by Kurt Russell in 1993 and Kevin Costner in 1994 ?
"Testophobia" is the fear of castration.
1. Veal Shanks
2. Charlotte's Web
3. b. - Spain, followed by Italy, then Greece
4. The Whooping Crane
5. "Floating Ribs" ( four; Acceptable - two sets)
6. A Rookie Driver ; referred to as a "Yellow Tail"
7. Lobbyists
8. Wyatt Earp
It's the fear of taking tests.