Trivia 6/28

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 6/28
In the Middle Ages, Astrological charts were worn around the physician's
waist along with a guidebook of diagnosis and treatments.

1. Literary Opening lines;
"Sing, O goddess, the anger of Achilles son of Peleus, that brought
countless ills upon the Achaeans." Which book starts with this line?
2. do you recall the more formal name of ALF, the E.T. ?
3. Where does a patronymic name come from?
4. Which two countries are separated by the River Tweed ?
5. Which nation is known as the birthplace of vuvuzelas ?
a. - Brazil
b. - Argentina
c. - South Africa
d. - Italy
6. Fill in the Blank ;
Bouillabaisse is a fish soup only to be made with fish found near the city
of __________ , France .
7. Who was Gomer Pyle's cousin?
8. Back in the Stoned Age, what Band was "Glad All Over" ?

If I could drive my car straight up at 60 MPH, I would enter outer space in
about two hours.
1. "The Iliad"
2. Gordon Shumway
3. Father or grandfather's given name
4. England and Scotland
5. - c
6. Marseilles
7. Goober
8. the Dave Clark Five

The shortest distance between Earth and space is about 62 miles (100
kilometers) straight up, which by general accord is where the planet's
boundary ends and suborbital space begins.
So, that's a little over an hour to enter space.

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