trivia 6/28

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 6/28
At horse racing tracks, the favorite wins fewer than 30% of all races.

1. Where exactly (city and state) is Churchill Downs ?
2. What recognition links Willie Brant, Lech Walesa, Yasser Arafat?
3. According to fossil experts, Archaeopteryx was the first...... what?
4. What year saw the invention of the Tin Can ?
a. – 1810
b. – 1820
c. – 1830
d. - 1840
5. A JPEG is a picture file format - what does JPEG stand for?
6. Name that Island;
90% of the wildlife on this Island is unique to this Island...
7. What singer won a Grammy for the 1996 album, “Falling Into You” ?
8. Who won two Nobel prizes, each in a different field?
(Bonus; Name the Fields)
In 1952, the State of Israel offered the Presidency to Albert Einstein.
1. Louisville Kentucky
2. Nobel Peace Prize
3. Bird
4. – a
5. Joint Photographic Experts Group
6. Madagascar
7. Celine Dion
8. Marie Curie (Physics in 1903, Chemistry in 1911)

Albert Einstein, a Jew but not an Israeli citizen, was offered the presidency in 1952 but turned it down, stating "I am deeply moved by the offer from our State of Israel, and at once saddened and ashamed that I cannot accept it." Ehud Olmert was reported to be considering offering the presidency to another non-Israeli, Elie Wiesel, but he was said to be "very not interested".

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