Trivia 7/30

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 7/30
A tsunami is not just one big wave, but a series of waves called a "wave
train." The time period between waves is called the "wave period" and can be
between a few minutes and two hours. The first wave is usually not the
strongest, and later waves, such as the fifth or sixth, may be significantly

1. What is the most abundant mineral in the human body?
a. - Manganese
b. - Sodium
c. - Calcium
d. - Phosphorus
2. Saint Stephen is known as the first Christian martyr, but by what method
was he condemned to death?
3. This 2007 western flick, starring Russell Crowe and Christian Bale, was
an updated version of what 1957 Glenn Ford film?
4. Queen Victoria had nine children. What was the regal name of her eldest
son who became her successor?
a. - Albert
b. - Leopold
c. - Henry
d. - Edward
5. Complete the lyric ;
"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie..." (Two Words)
6. This dancing and singing American actor was Hollywood's highest paid
actor by 1995. He married actress Kelly Preston. Who is he ?
7. Complete this Quote; Three Words)
'Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's
character, _ _ _.' (Abraham Lincoln)
8. What was the name of the short, freckled-faced horror, created by the
Play-Pals-Toys company?

In the Capitol city of Nepal, Katmandu (Kathmandu ), there's a street named,
in English, "Freak Street", Named for the large number of Hippies who found
their way to that city in the sixties and seventies.
1. - c
2. Stoning
3. 3:10 to Yuma
4. - d
5. That's Amore
6. John Travolta
7. Give Him Power
8. Chuckie

Freak Street was the epicenter during the Hippie trail from the early 1960s
to late 1970s. During that time the main attraction drawing tourists to
Freak Street was the government-run hashish shops. Hippies from different
parts of the world traveled to Freak Street (Basantapur) in search of legal
cannabis. Direct bus services to Freak Street were also available from the
airport and borders targeting the hippies looking for legal smokes. Freak
Street was a hippie nirvana, since marijuana and hashish were legal and sold
openly in government licensed shops.[

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