Uncle Chipps Spicy Treat potato chips review...

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

Found this chip from India at the local India food store.

The chips here were nice in size.

They looked a lot like USA Wavy Lays.

The chips were not super spicy, but I did like the flavor here.

I will give this item a big thumbs up.
ONTO the plain Salted Flavor review...


Back to the Indian food store for this item.

This bag with the so called 20% more in the bag was just over 2 ounces in size.

The chips were nice and yellow.

This bag had lots of chips in it that were the smallest potato chips I have ever seen in a bag of potato chips.

To me this bag of chips was saltier than other chips I have every tasted.

A medium sized thumbs up at best from me and I would go with the Spicy Treat flavor over this one.
Smiths BBQ crisps for me.
Btw do you cook Indian?


Not from scratch... Only from spice packets I pick up at the Indian Food Store which does make for some easy cooking to add some flavor to meat.

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