What’s on the menu Monday 6/25/2018?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I had cottage cheese for breakfast.

We ordered from pizza place in town last night. I got a side order of meatballs for my meal but didn’t eat them. Had small bowl of pastina and chicken broth instead. Tummy not feeling good. So that will probably be lunch.

Family went to see the new Jurassic Park movie.

They will most likely go to store after to pick up rotisserie chicken and deli/olive bar/salad bar items to go with. Nice easy, cool kitchen, no cook dinner. IF ALL GOES AS PLANNED. Which it rarely does.
I am planning a chicken stir-fry with brown rice. We will have fresh berries for dessert slightly sweetened with stevia.

I am really trying to embrace a diabetic diet. I have sort of been there with my gluten/dairy/fat-free lifestyle but there are a few more things I have to watch out for.
Guacamole, cole slaw, salad with blue cheese dressing if I get motivated.......those are the main dishes.:LOL: Possibly some fish, eggs, or cheese for a side dish.
Having bergers tonight, forgot to take the steaks out of the freezer!
Also picke up some fresh Washington cherries which will be the topping for a fresh made cheesecake.
The pork loin roast I smoked recently turned out so well, I'll be doing another one today. The weather is perfect and I've started another good book so the conditions are set for another good day at my home day camp.

Souschef will be making some copycat KFC cole slaw, and we'll have Texas Toast too.
Tonight we are doing grilled pork chops with a garlic-lime-orange-cayenne marinade. I'm thinking perhaps a spinach salad with fresh Ontario strawberries, pan fried goat cheese medallions, chopped pecans, with either a light balsamic dressing or poppy seed dressing.

We had a very rainy 3 days, but the sun has been shining all day without a cloud in the sky - time to grill again!
This was technically my lunch. But may also be my dinner. I really don't have any appetite today and may not have dinner. I gave most of my lunch to hubby.

Assorted Deli and appy plate.

Rocklobster said they reheated well, and Mrs. T said they were just as good as the first night. Highly recommended. Thanks for posting the recipe, Roch.
I missed the recipe. Can you post a link to it please. TIA
Brined, rolled in homemade Taco seasoning, grilled chicken drumsticks- delish. some leftover potatoes on the grill too. Sooo good. Melt in your mouth and crunchy spicy skin. Love it.
A lobster salad in a hot dog bun with a side of low salted potato chips. It came with regular tater chips, but Pirate kept them himself and gave me the more healthier ones. Bless his healthy heart. This was my "Welcome home from the hospital" supper from my daughter. After saltless, sugarless, and everything else, on the less dietary list, it certainly was the very best present I could ask for.
I had two different meal ideas to pick from. Neither of them was scrambled eggs. :LOL: However, time and energy got away from me, so eggs to the rescue. I made "dirty eggs" (just enough eggs to hold minced and sauteed onions and mushrooms) with hearty oatmeal bread. Plenty of fruit in the fridge if Himself wants to nibble later.
The pork loin roast I smoked recently turned out so well, I'll be doing another one today. The weather is perfect and I've started another good book so the conditions are set for another good day at my home day camp.

Souschef will be making some copycat KFC cole slaw, and we'll have Texas Toast too.

I just love their cole slaw. Yum, yum, yum!
The pork loin roast I smoked recently turned out so well, I'll be doing another one today. The weather is perfect and I've started another good book so the conditions are set for another good day at my home day camp.

Souschef will be making some copycat KFC cole slaw, and we'll have Texas Toast too.

I was surprised the temp rose 10 degrees after resting for 15 min. Love that dandy probe thermometer.
It was juicy and so flavorful...


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I was surprised the temp rose 10 degrees after resting for 15 min. Love that dandy probe thermometer.
It was juicy and so flavorful...

I am not surprised. As you already know, just letting it rest allows all the juices to find thier favorite spot inside the roast. Once the heat of the oven is gone, they all rush to find their own little niche inside the roast instead of on the platter.

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