What is your weather like right now?

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Well, living in Canada we get used to cold weather from November to April. But this year, there's hardly any snow yet, and it's been in the double digits for a week or more....so it feels pleasantly balmy!
At the moment it's just zero Celsius (32F), and a dusting of snow. This will change in January though! Not looking fwd to it.....so heading for Mexico for second week of Jan, to stay for 2 weeks, thaw out, soak up some sol. Never been there, not a traveller uh-uh; but my son decided to have a tropical wedding so I have to go....
-5C and windy today. Had some visitors cleaning up the birdseed the sparrows dropped though...


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Well, living in Canada we get used to cold weather from November to April. But this year, there's hardly any snow yet, and it's been in the double digits for a week or more....so it feels pleasantly balmy!
At the moment it's just zero Celsius (32F), and a dusting of snow. This will change in January though! Not looking fwd to it.....so heading for Mexico for second week of Jan, to stay for 2 weeks, thaw out, soak up some sol. Never been there, not a traveller uh-uh; but my son decided to have a tropical wedding so I have to go....
Well, good luck with your son's wedding! I hope everything goes well and as expected.

Our coldest weather here in St. Augustine is about 20F most years. For Florida, that's really, really cold! When it dips below 50F here, all the locals start wearing heavy overcoats and such.

It's weird to see a tourist in shorts and T-shirt while next to him is a Floridian with winter gear on! :ROFLMAO:

It's all in what you're used to.:rolleyes:
33F in SE S.D. It was great to see the sunshine again today. High of 37F it was a beautiful day with little to no wind.
PrincessFiona60 said:
I think my winter coat is in the back closet, I have to move about 14 guitars to get to it. Good thing I haven't needed it yet.:rolleyes: As long as the wind doesn't blow, I can handle the cold.

I used to be able to handle the cold too. Now I can't defrost. We always have wind blowing.

14 guitars???
PrincessFiona60 said:
And a Marshall Half Stack...Shrek plays Guitar, Mandolin, Bazuki, Bass, Banjo...

Holy cow. You wouldn't need any other electronic devices! Itunes? Naw, got Shrek. Guitar Hero? Meh. Got Shrek.
After a high of 59 and rainy yesterday, it started out this morning at 45 and quickly dropped to 30’s with a nasty wind along Ol' Man River.
Very grateful for the weather we're having, although it is dreary. This was the first year in, well, years, that Mom Nature didn't decide to have the first blizzard and/or ice storm of the season for the party I throw every year (first Sunday in December). So far our snow has been negligeable. After two or three years of incredibly bad blizzards and ice, a break this year will be nice. I won't even mind a brown Christmas if it means a shorter winter.
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