What is your weather like right now?

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Temp is presently 43 degrees and climbing. Rain all day. Fine with me. Melts the ice and snow. Makes it easier to go for my hair appointment this afternoon. :angel:
Very Nice!!

We are at 28F here, which feels like a heat wave compared it what it has been! We are actually seeing a few people wearing shorts outside.
Temp has climbed to 55 degrees. Pouring rain, with thunder and lightning. My daughter and I were coming home from the hairdresser's and she had to pull over to the side. She couldn't see to drive. The wipers couldn't keep up. While we were sitting there, a clap of thunder and lightening went off right over our heads. Scared the living daylights out of both of us. :wacko: And the lightening hit something. That is one event I could have done without. :angel:
+2°C (36°F) and raining. It's a mess out there. There is a huge puddle in front of my front door. You can see where I cleared away ice a few days ago.

Sorry about the poor picture quality. I was a little bit freaked out. Almost all of that ice is covered in water. The puddle in front of my door is about an inch deep. I sure hope that goes away before it freezes again.


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Taxi, do stay inside. That ice looks bad. Don't you have any salt or sand to spread on that mess?

When I was a kid and we had the wood burning stove in the kitchen, we used to use the ashes to spread on the sidewalk. No one shoveled, they just spread their ashes. Although I do remember the gentleman across the street always shoveled out the fire hydrant in front of his house. Something no one today does unless they are reminded by the TV news. With everyone walking it packed down the snow. Sure made for safer walking. :angel:
Taxi, do stay inside. That ice looks bad. Don't you have any salt or sand to spread on that mess?

When I was a kid and we had the wood burning stove in the kitchen, we used to use the ashes to spread on the sidewalk. No one shoveled, they just spread their ashes. Although I do remember the gentleman across the street always shoveled out the fire hydrant in front of his house. Something no one today does unless they are reminded by the TV news. With everyone walking it packed down the snow. Sure made for safer walking. :angel:
We did put salt in that. We will keep an eye on it so we can shovel as soon as it starts to solidify. I don't have any sand, but I am considering buying some tomorrow.

We are going out tonight, to a close friend's birthday party. We won't be going out the front door, 'cause the entrance to the garage is through the basement.

Here in Quebec, we don't shovel around the fire hydrants. The city just puts flags on them, so the firefighters can find them in the snow.
Hurricane conditions. The wind is howling and it's raining like crazy! 39°F, feels like 27°. We have avalanche warnings all around us.
We had some serious weather an hour or so ago, but it's passed now. Temperature is now 56 and it's raining lightly. I think it will continue to rain for a while yet. We're supposed to have a nice day tomorrow. Sunny and warm.
It's blowing up a storm out there. The wind picked up late afternoon and has continued. But it's not cold. And it's not snowing.
It's staying above freezing until tomorrow late afternoon or evening. It's windy, so the water is evaporating. It's only about half as deep in front of my door.
You can throw some of my still on the vine ripe tomatoes at me, but I'm sick of our weather here. Ducking and running.

No seriously, we need rain so badly out here the weather people are calling this an historic drought and it's getting down right scary. I'm sitting here in shorts and flip flops with the AC on! It's just not right I tell ya! I guess it's a lot better than what most of you have to deal with but I just needed to whine a bit. Maybe I should get the neighbors together for a rain dance.
You can throw some of my still on the vine ripe tomatoes at me, but I'm sick of our weather here. Ducking and running.

No seriously, we need rain so badly out here the weather people are calling this an historic drought and it's getting down right scary. I'm sitting here in shorts and flip flops with the AC on! It's just not right I tell ya! I guess it's a lot better than what most of you have to deal with but I just needed to whine a bit. Maybe I should get the neighbors together for a rain dance.
I had a friend who moved from Texas to Canada. She much preferred our cold.

I sympathize Kayelle. As that friend used to say, "You can only take off so much clothing when it's hot."
I know I'd never be able to live in a cold climate Taxi but Texas is much hotter than my little spot in Cali. so I can see her point. It's 85 here today, so I'm not really suffering, but we need a good bit of steady rain and even more importantly we need a good snow pack in the Sierra mountains for our water supply.
We're having a mild spell. It's currently 0°C (32°F). It's been going down below zero a bit, and up above zero a teensy bit.
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