What is your weather like right now?

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It's in the 40's with a strong northern wind all day. I have to go outside to refill the water bottles for my plants from the outside water faucet. Ugh!

I have to do that because the softened water we have for tap water has salt in it. It's a plant killer!
Finally up to almost 50 after being in the low 40's all morning. Not going to get a whole lot warmer today, maybe mid 60's. Sunny and blue sky, though. :)
I guess I won't complain about my 58 degrees and rain here on Fort Myers Beach. After all, it's warmer than most of you! Except that YOU love the cold PF. I believe you are certifiable...:-p
I guess I won't complain about my 58 degrees and rain here on Fort Myers Beach. After all, it's warmer than most of you! Except that YOU love the cold PF. I believe you are certifiable...:-p

I am with you on that one. The rest of the world is complaining about how cold it is, and she is loving it. :angel:
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It's 45 right now; I've dusted off my coat and uncovered my rose bushes. Glad it didn't frost.

PF, maybe someday you'll get to come back as a penguin. (That's probably not an original idea.)

I wouldn't mind Antarctica except for the wind.:rolleyes:
I'm a wimp when the winter weather first moves in. :LOL: The last couple of mornings have been in the 40's so when I get up, I layer. 3 layers on top, thick sweats, 2 pairs of socks and fuzzy slippers. LOL. By the time I get moving around a bit and the sun warms things up, I de-layer. :LOL: Then as the cold moves in over the season I get used to it.
It's a balmy 24°F here along the river, 5° with wind chill. And man, it's windy. DH has taken to wearing his long johns to his work office as construction cut the heating thingy and he's been freezing.
Just wanted to share - it's not always sunny and warm here in these parts, we do occasionally get some snowfall! :) These pics are from 2 years ago, shot from my front porch and a wider shot across the street. We so look forward to a little snow each year but it doesn't always happen. :)


Cheryl, those photos are really lovely! I especially like the way the falling snow is captured in the second one.

After another February Florida day, we'll be enjoying seasonable weather in the mid- to upper-70s until we cross the border into Georgia sometime on Saturday. At least today's sky cleared enough to give us a beautiful sunset. This was my view of the setting sun from the kitchen counter as I was prepping tonight's dinner:


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7 foot of snow on the football field?!!? How do you move that much snow and where do you move it all to?

I would find a home for it, but they would have to find a way to get it here.
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