What is your weather like right now?

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Katie, I really feel for you. Going from one total extreme to the other. Must be frightening.

Bilby, we are supposed to get massive rainfalls today but that remains to be seen, dog paddling is fine, the man next door has a boat and believe you me in June last year it was used to ferry all of us to high ground two streets away and was moored to a telegraph pole!

This is us for today and tomorrow -

Few showers developing
Min 19°C Max 23°C


Shower or two
Min 18°C Max 22°C

Yep, yep, yep.
They have just lowered our predicted forecast for the rest of the week (thankfully!!). They had been saying it would reach 39C on Sunday but have now lowered it to a much more palatable 31C. They did that just after our local AFL (Aussie Rules) footy teams had agreed to a later start to their derby to avoid the heat!! Go figure! (This is a major event in Perth even though it is only a pre-season cup match. We only have two teams in the national comp (which only really involves three states but they relocate teams to non-AFL states to make it more national) and there is a very strong rivalry between the fans.)

Anyway, I am just glad I won't be frying on the weekend.
this morning 2-13-08 every thing is ice, poor birds can't get the food , the feeders are covered in ice and it is still freezing rain/sleet. I wonder if the big brown truck will arrive with my food grinder today .
Thanks to Tropical Cyclone Nicholas in the NorthWest of WA, our hot temps have been banished and we are anticipating a week of mid to late 20'sC. Bit humid but better cool sun and humid then hot sun and humid! And the Freo Doctor (the seabreeze) has come in for the afternoon and made its way all the way up to the foothills where I live. Yay!!!
41F and that lovely England shade of grey! But...it supposed to be sunny again all weekend long! Perfect timing since the boy comes home today from Istanbul!
I hate being at work in storms. We have tornado watches out and it weird outside. The storms are moving north, right? so, why are the clouds and rain coming north to south????:huh:
The sun was so bright here today I almost broke out the shades, especially reflecting off of the snow. They were calling for teens, but it sure felt warmer than that. And no wind! Not common next to the lake. It was gorgeous today and about 1000 more Canadian Geese flew overhead. The skies have been loaded with them the past week.
At least we have been having some sun the last couple days.Tomorrow from 5am till 1pm we will be under a freezing rain advisory ! Poopy doo
Sunshine! I just love waking up to sunshine! It's freezing though, about 32F, the grass is all frosty! Not a cloud in the sky!!! I'm so happy.

Good morning everyone , the weather here in north west uk is :uv index:
0 Low wind :
From the Southeast at 6 mph dew point
-3°C humidity :
80% visibility
4 miles barometer
1040.0 m Sunny 0°C
Feels Like
In other words, looks nice but dont wear shorts !!!
Just got up this morning and what do I see outside? Everything is covered with ice and to top that off, we are going to get about 5 to 6 inches of snow this afternoon with very high wind.:ermm:
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