What's for din-din the last day of 2013!

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Chef Extraordinaire
Feb 11, 2007
I braved the elements and picked up a piece of Icelandic cod earlier today. I'm going to bake that along with a lobster tail and make some kind of noodles. Probably linguine with olive oil, garlic and red pepper flakes. I've got a little of Snip's curry mussel sauce left over that I'll use on the cod :yum:
I'll be over at my daughter's little get together tonight. Mostly finger foods, I'll be baking some some Thai peanut chicken wings and party meat balls. Not sure what the rest will be bringing to the party...
That meal sounds spectacular Pac! We are going out for Chinese food lunch, and a movie today.

Tonight we'll have finger foods. I went to Trader Joe's the other day and loaded up on all kinds of goodies to celebrate.
We're having shrimp cocktail, pork shu mai, mozzarella sticks, cheese and crackers and champagne.
What kind of finger foods, Kay? That could mean so many things... deep fried cheese sticks, shrimp cocktail, cheese and crackers, a relish tray... darn... now I want some finger foods, lol.
Dungeness crab! LOTS of it! Sour dough bread. Salad and a few chocolate covered macadamia nuts.
I'm off to the store to pick up some snack stuff, hummus, veggie sticks, olives, and some sashimi and poke. Adult beverages.

The main meal is going to be 1-2-3 Jambalaya with Spanish chorizo and shrimp.

We treat New Years Eve like a zombie apocalypse. Shut up the house, turn on all the a/c's and watch movies. We try and keep the animals from freaking out when the lunatics one street over start setting of IEDs.

Wish you all the best for the evening and the coming year.
Bacon wrapped filet and shrimp. Couscous, burgundy mushrooms, roast potatoes and apple pie with Vanilla gelato.
Going out for dinner tonight and a movie after. Quiet celebration of the new year for us. Girls both have parties.
We have pork and saurkraut on New Years Eve. Why? Well, my tradition was always to make pork and saurkraut and eat at midnight. When I met DH, he said he didn't want to be eating saurkraut right before bed. I suggested making it on New Years Day, and he said no, Just make it earlier. So now it's New Years Eve dinner. There is enough left over to have some tomorrow. For me. He does not eat leftovers.
We're pretty much "up to here" with turkey after Christmas dinner and leftovers, so tonight will be a ham-potato-green bean-cheese casserole, buttered potato rolls, iced tea and as many Christmas cookies as we can munch as our dessert. Much later, if we stay awake, we'll have champagne.
Not much tonight. Our daughter is at Winter Extreme in Gatlinburg TN until Thursday. My DW's Australian Sheppard had ACL surgery yesterday. We picked him up today and my wife is totally dedicated to him tonight. All I made was some oven baked Chicken Wings. 1/2 hot and 1/2 Asian. Celery and carrots with Blue Cheese. Maybe a Margarita latter tonight. I know, boring.
I ate early. I'll settle up with a Klondike bar shortly.


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Surf and Turf.... bacon wrapped petite tenderloins with a lobster tail, asparagus, and baked spuds with all the fixins. Tiramisu for dessert. All washed down with a bottle of Pinot Noir we picked up in Oregon this summer.

Now heading over to the neighbors for round 2.
Stirling ordered pizza. Since the pizza sauce is made with canned tomatoes, I don't eat it. He ordered fries. I ate the fries and now I'm not hungry. o_0
I finally got hungry, so I made myself a BLT on whole grain kamut, sourdough toast. That really hit the spot.
Just a bowl of doctored up tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich here tonight. Hit the spot. :yum: Used up the last of the provolone, Havarti, and smoked gouda for the innards, and toasted it all nicely between 2 thick slices of French bread. That and a good movie. Yummy! :)

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