What's for Dinner, Thursday July 22nd?

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
Wow, it is almost noon here on the west coast and no one has started this yet! Can I take that to mean that everyone is getting taken out for dinner so they don't know what they are having:question::question::question::)

Well, no such luck for me (though I have had 2 dinners and 3 lunches out this week already). I will be at the hospital all afternoon getting some tests done on my leg and then will visit Dad around supper. I will take some snacks to have with him and then will have dinner here later. No idea what it will be.

So, if you are staying home, what are your dinner plans?
Beef and Snow Pea stirfry with Oyster and Thai Basil Sauce over noodles; potsticker dumplings; homemade turnip kimchi.....
We were going to go out to eat, but it's so blasted hot out I don't want to set foot outside, so were doing salads again for dinner. Maybe go out friday or saturday when the tropical storm crosses over Florida, it's suppose to be overcast those 2 days. Looking forward to the rain.
I made the Dragon Lady's sesame seed noodles with some salmon patties and fresh tomatoes for Linner. I skipped lunch....and so a cross between lunch and dinner. I made them with whole wheat noodles. They turned out pretty tasty!

had some left over roast beef, so I cut some potatoes and onions and made pasties baked outside in the motor home so it stayed cool in here. put together a tomato,avocado platter with sliced sweet onion evoo,vinegar,salt and pepper. Made a pitcher of iced tea and were set.
Left over Pork En Croute with scalloped taters. It was my first time cooking pork that way and I'm very proud!
I made the Dragon Lady's sesame seed noodles with some salmon patties and fresh tomatoes for Linner. I skipped lunch....and so a cross between lunch and dinner. I made them with whole wheat noodles. They turned out pretty tasty!


who is the dragon lady and what is her recipe for sesame seed noodles. was thinking of having that with chicken but opted for baked potato. not sure how to do the noodles. thanks:mellow:
cooked boneless chicken thigh rubbed with garlic pwd,pepper and smoky paprika, cooked on my little george forman, wonderful, had baked potato. butter lettuce salad with my pickled carrots and cauliflower in it. it was really tasty. lemon yogurt for later.
who is the dragon lady and what is her recipe for sesame seed noodles. was thinking of having that with chicken but opted for baked potato. not sure how to do the noodles. thanks:mellow:

Here is the link: Dragon Lady Kitchen blog: SESAME NOODLES

I saw this link posted in another thread. It sounded so yummy that I had to make it and I will definitely make this again. This time, I used whole wheat noodles. Frank is not terribly taken with whole wheat foods, so I'll use my standby (which is Barilla thin spaghetti in the yellow box) next time I make them. We had it again later with a rotisserie chicken. It's a dish that goes easily with a lot of things and was simple to make.

Since Wegmans was having a big sale on wild Alaskan salmon, I tried a new recipe from "Eating Well" magazine & it was WONDERFUL!!! Definitely saved to make again. Here's a link to the recipe:

Moroccan Grilled Salmon | Eating Well

I did, however, increase the amounts in the marinade - particularly the garlic & herbs. Plus I was using skin-on filets & broiled instead of grilled.

Served it with my own version of "Moroccan Swiss Chard with Chick Peas", which I'll post over on the Vegetables &/or Ethnic forums. All in all - a great light meal for a warm night.
thanks kathleen, saved and will make soon. i will have to cut it in half for me. hope that will cut down the salt content so i can eat it.

I don't like a lot of salt, but felt this dish did have quiet a bit in it. I use the low sodium soy sauce by Kikkoman. Not sure how much it will help you though. :( I will say the dish does well in the fridge for more than a day. It was pretty yummy for lunch today.

I don't like a lot of salt, but felt this dish did have quiet a bit in it. I use the low sodium soy sauce by Kikkoman. Not sure how much it will help you though. :( I will say the dish does well in the fridge for more than a day. It was pretty yummy for lunch today.


I'm a big fan of sesame flavors. I made this for lunch today (eating it right now) and it's very good. Thanks for posting.
Those sesame noodles from the Dragon Lady are outrageously good!! I've made them three times since the recipe was on another post a short time ago. I did them once with the Chinese noodles in the recipe, but I like them best with thin spaghetti.
I Love Tuna Sandwich, will make one for dinner!:LOL:
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