Your Day in a Sentence

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Work was extremely frustrating today, and while a colleague and I were discussing said frustrations, I heard her say,"Damn, I'm getting a speeding ticket," and we had to hang up.

Your friend got a speeding ticket while talking to you!!?? :ohmy: I sure hope that person was using a head set. :ermm:
taxlady said:
Your friend got a speeding ticket while talking to you!!?? :ohmy: I sure hope that person was using a head set. :ermm:

Yes she was. She tends to have a lead foot....
Any difficult day becomes easier when you have a friend that will hold your hand, cry with you, pray with you and bring you homemade wontons for dinner!
Today was spent spending, as we bought a new shed, a part for our air conditioner, over $300 in prescription medicines, take-out Chinese food, and a few ebay purchases. :wacko:
Happy friday to all! Ready for a cocktail & putting my feet up after a long day.
I am off on Monday for medical crap. . .it's a day off work, but it won't be a "day off". . .I just get to sleep in, as opposed to the typical being at work at 4AM.
Gee, you had me going there! My birthday is Monday, but the last I heard, no one declared it a national holiday!
The day is starting off relaxing, off to work, then spending time with the "other side" of the family. Trying to go into it positive.

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