Today's Funny

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I've been looking at those electric bikes. But,
All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.

Women's bikes did not have the 'bar' because - back in the day - it was unheard of for women to wear pants. Same reason for the side-saddle.
We ordered them thru Costco and they are/were reasonably priced.

P.S. We got the folding type. That way, we can throw them in the back of the Jeep or in the basement of the RV. No need for a rack.
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jesus did it again.jpg
An elderly couple was celebrating their sixtieth anniversary.

The couple had married as childhood sweethearts and had moved back to their old neighbourhood after they retired.

Holding hands, they walked back to their old school.

It was not locked, so they entered and found the old desk they’d shared, where Jerry had carved I love you, Sally.

On their way back home, a bag of money fell out of an armoured car, practically landing at their feet.

Sally quickly picked it up and, not sure what to do with it, they took it home.

There, she counted the money – fifty thousand dollars!

Jerry said, We’ve got to give it back.

Sally said, Finders keepers.

She put the money back in the bag and hid it in their attic.

The next day, two police officers were canvassing the neighborhood looking for the money, and knocked on their door.

Pardon me, did either of you find a bag that fell out of an armored car yesterday?

Sally said, No.

Jerry said, Shes lying.

She hid it up in the attic.

Sally said, Don’t believe him, hes getting senile

The agents turned to Jerry and began to question him. One said: Tell us the story from the beginning.

Jerry said,

Well, when Sally and I were walking home from school yesterday ….

The first police officer turned to his partner and said,

We”re outta here!
A minister decided to do something a little different one Sunday morning.

He said “Today, in church, I am going to say a single word and you are going to help me preach. Whatever single word I say, I want you to sing whatever hymn that comes to your mind.”

The pastor shouted out “CROSS.”

Immediately the congregation started singing in unison


The pastor hollered out “GRACE.”

The congregation began to sing

“AMAZING GRACE, how sweet the sound.”

The pastor said “POWER.”

The congregation sang


The Pastor said “S**”.

The congregation fell into total silence.

Everyone was in shock.

They all nervously began to look around at each other, afraid to say anything.

Then all of a sudden, way from in the back of the church, a little old 87-year-old grandmother stood up and began to sing...

Two elderly women were having a late lunch and a drink at a local pub one afternoon when Ethel noticed something funny about Mable’s ear and said,

“Mable, did you know you’ve got a suppository in your left ear?”

Mable answered,

“I have? A suppository?”

She pulled it out and stared at it.

Then she said,

“Ethel, I’m glad you saw this thing.

Now I think I know where my hearing aid is.”
A patient went running to the doctor shouting and screaming in pain saying,

“Please doctor, you’ve got to help me. I’ve been stung by a bee.”

The doctor said,
“Don’t worry. I’ll put some cream on it.”

The patient said,
“You will never find that bee. It must be miles away by now.”

The doctor said,
“No, you don’t understand! I’ll put some cream on the place you were stung.”

The patient replied,
“Oh! It happened in the garden where I was sitting under a tree.”‘

The doctor angrily said,
“No, no. I mean on which part of your body did that bee sting you?”

The patient, still screaming in pain said,
“On my finger! The bee stung me on my finger and it really hurts.”

The doctor angrily said,
“Which one?”

The patient said,

“How am I supposed to know?

All bees look the same to me.”

(That’s why doctors have to have a lot of patients …)
In a trial, a small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand.

He approached her and asked,

‘ Mrs Jones, do you know me?’

She responded,

‘Why, yes, I do know you, Mr Williams. I’ve known you since you were a boy, and frankly, you’ve been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you’re a big shot when you haven’t the brains to realize you’ll never
amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.’

The lawyer was stunned.

Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked,

‘ Mrs Jones, do you know the defence attorney?’

She again replied,

‘Why yes, I do. I’ve known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster, too. He’s lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can’t build a normal relationship with anyone, and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes, I know him.’

The defence attorney nearly died.

The judge asked both counsellors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said,

‘If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me, I’ll send you both to the electric chair.’

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