What is your weather like right now?

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Speaking of weather, most all weather apps and sites suck. They either take too long to load (waiting for www.weatherunderground ) or they give out false readings. It's currently 67F where I am, but my weatherunderground site says it's 80F. I googled why this is and came upon some op-ed articles explaining why. It's a bit too technical to go into here. BTW, the Weather Channel owns Weatherunderground.

You have to pick your weather station if you want to get somewhat accurate data on weatherunderground, keeping in mind that the "weather station" could be in somebodies backyard. It may not be set up right, and may not be properly maintained.

Speaking of weather, most all weather apps and sites suck. They either take too long to load (waiting for www.weatherunderground ) or they give out false readings. It's currently 67F where I am, but my weatherunderground site says it's 80F. I googled why this is and came upon some op-ed articles explaining why. It's a bit too technical to go into here. BTW, the Weather Channel owns Weatherunderground.
I've been using the Weatherbug app on my phone and tablet for years and it works fine - loads fast and it's pretty accurate. You do have to pick the right station. The one that's closest to our house is at a high school that DH knows is in direct sunlight too much so it tends to read too high. So we use another one further away but more accurate.
Speaking of weather, most all weather apps and sites suck.... It's currently 67F where I am, but my weatherunderground site says it's 80F...
Weatherunderground uses local weather reporters who each monitor their own weather station(s). If the app selects the nearest station to you, there is always a chance that the microclimate where the station is placed is different from the microclimate where you live. We have three stations close to us; we've set the one that is sited at a terrain that resembles our own home lot the most. I have two apps on my phone (Weatherunderground and Weatherbug), plus (In)Accuweather was pre-installed and displays its current temperature in the "time and date" circle on my phone.

We laugh at the temps that Weatherbug shows. First of all, the closest station is about 6 miles away. We think it must also be located where it gets direct sun (it always shows the highest "high" temperature daily) and is also in a low spot (its "low" is always the lowest). We have a small, personal weather station at home; the base, plus three sensors which we've placed 1) on the front porch, 2) in the basement, and 3) in our enclosed sun room. Weatherbug never comes close to our porch reading.
I got Weather UnderGround to load faster by following someones link to the old style format, typed in my city, and the site automatically refreshed to the current format. For some reason it now loads in about 6 seconds rather than 60 seconds. It's also no longer reporting ridiculously wrong temps. The reporting station is still the same. Many people posted online about long loading times and inaccurate current conditions. Glad I got it fixed, I think.
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It's 51 degrees on our porch right now, and the rain is coming down in buckets. Looks like the weather guessers have the temps more seasonal in the coming week. It won't be long before we can hear the faint chirping of spring peepers in the distance. :w00t:
The forecast was for rain all day. Rain is all around us, but for some reason it's dividing before it gets to us and we're not getting any. Weird. It's 66 right now, supposed to get to 73.
It is only 55F right now, with on-and-off rain. No severe storms, here, although other parts of Texas are getting hit pretty hard -- tornado down near Waco hit a small town pretty hard.

It is expected to be in the 70-80F range again starting Monday.

It almost got up to 80F here today and now at almost 6:30PM, it's 77. Beautiful day - sunny and blue sky. Supposed to hit 84F tomorrow.
A couple of 80's days in the past week, woke to rain and snow flurries this morning.. Severe storms (including tornado warnings) predicted for this coming Wednesday..

Gotta love MIssouri weather.. :rolleyes:

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Started raining on my way home from Vaudreuil to Ste Justine - hope it stays as rain and doesn't change to snow.

Suddenly realized I haven't heard my generator do its test drive recently - gads.... please no power failures! please... please... please...

yes, I live on a hill but my basement still will flood if the sump pump doesn't run with this rain!

So maybe it will be a good thing if it changes to snow after all.
An hour ago it was raining so hard that the trees 35-40 feet from my back window were a blur. Now? Bright sun, puffy clouds, and lots of blue sky. Weather is never boring! [emoji1]
We had quite a thunderstorm last night, with lots of wind. Still windy today, but mostly sunny. DH is on spring break. We bought 10 bags of mulch this morning and he has the front walk and a large part of the shade garden in the back cleaned up and mulched :wub: Lots of plant sales coming up soon [emoji263] [emoji534] ?
High of 60F, beautiful day, the grass is bright green & the sun is shining.
Hard to believe just 3 days ago we were in a blizzard warning in SE South Dakota.
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