The Evil Genie Game

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Poof! You are so tired that you can't finish reading this sentence!

I wish I had a nice lamb roast and mint sauce ready to make tomorrow

Poof! If you look outside there is a lamb by your front porch munching on a flower pot filled with mint!

I wish I could work one day at Charm City Cakes for Duff Goldman!
You got your wish - but a sniper hit the place and shot Duff! I wish I was at the beach enjoying the sun and getting a tan.
Poof! Your wish is granted. You are at a nude only beach and the only female in site amongst what seems to be an endless amount of old men!

I wish I could make it into the Guiness World Book of Records for the most sugar roses on one wedding cake.
Poof! Your wish was granted. Unfortunately, just after verifying the number of roses, the representative from the Guiness Book of World Records was crushed to death when the tremendously heavy cake (from all those roses) fell on him!

I wish my book was ready to be published.

Poof your wish is granted - Your book was published but only in the Antarctica so no one was around to buy it.

I wish my tax return would get here!!
Your wish is granted - instead of dropping their leaves, the trees shed all their branches all at once, leaves and all!

I wish I didn't have to do laundry today.
Poof! Your wish is granted! You don't have to do laundry because all your clothes just disappeared!

I wish I had some of the sausage Laurie is making today!

Your wish is granted, you can have all the sausage you soon as you make your way to the Canadian West Coast!

I wish the forecast for snow tomorrow is just a dream.
Poof! Your wish is granted. The forecast is now for sleet all day long!

I wish the guy across the road would start taking better care of his dogs. :(

Your wish is granted. The guy learned how to have a heart and to love his dogs. But, he now adopted 5 more dogs, since he is so happy with his friends. They are let out early in the morning and bark for 3 hours, when you're still trying to sleep.

I wish I had an indoor herb garden.
Poof you have an indoor herb garden - BUT your nosy neighbor thought it was not just seasoning and the Police just crashed down your door and took your herbs!!!
I wish I was 10 years younger!!
Your wish is granted. You are 10 years younger, but you seem to have forgotten the lessons you learned and keep making the same mistakes.

I wish I had someone to clean my place every day.
You have your wish! Your feet are nice and toasty, but the rest of your body is now freezing!

I wish James didn't fall asleep every time we watch a movie!

Your wish is granted...however you fall asleep during the next movie you watch together!

I wish I could wake up tomorrow and find that this whole flood was a dream and our house is completely together (but we still have the new carpets and floors).
Your wish is granted! The flood was a dream, the house is together, and you have new carpet and floors. Unfortunately living in Canada was just a dream and you realize your wonderful house is in the middle of the Gobi Desert!

I wish there was not so much bad language in movies!

The Gobi Desert? Oh well, at least there isn't any rain or snow!

Your wish is granted. There is no more bad language in movies because the trend has gone back to silent movies with music and no subtitles!

I wish I was not so forgetful.
POOF ! You remember everything you see and hear - however everything that was lost while you were forgetful, is still lost.

I wish I could get a good nights sleep tonight.

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