Sunday Special - REP: Definitions

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Sunday Special - REP; Definitions
It's Dictionary Day !

1. What 'rep' word means 'to put back in good condition after damage'?
( 6 letters)
2. What 'rep' word refers to 'a quick, witty reply' or a 'series of such
( 8 letters)
3. What 'rep' word is another term for 'meal'?
( 6 letters)
4. What 'rep' word means 'to revoke, cancel, or annul'?
( 6 letters)
5. What 'rep' word means 'to drive or force back'?
( 5 letters)
6. What 'rep' word means 'to feel sorry or conscience-stricken for what one
has done wrong, or failed to do'?
( 6 letters)
7. What 'rep' word means 'a far-reaching, often indirect effect of or
reaction to some event or action'?
( 12 or 13 letters - can be singular or plural)
8. What 'rep' word means 'well-filled or plentifully supplied'?
( 7 letters)
9. What 7-letter 'rep' word means 'an exact copy of a work of art'?
( 7 letters)
10. What 'rep' word means 'to lie at rest'?
( 6 letters)
11. What 'rep' word means 'postponement of a penalty'?
( 8 letters)
12. What 'rep' word means 'to rebuke formally'?
( 9 letters)
13. What 'rep' word refers to 'a member of a class of cold-blooded
( 7 letters)
14. What 'rep' word means 'distasteful, offensive, disagreeable'?
( 9 letters)
15. What 'rep' word refers to 'one's standing or character in the eyes of
( 10 letters)
1. repair
2. repartee
3. repast
4. repeal
5. repel
6. repent
7. repercussion, repercussions
8. replete
9. replica
10. repose
11. reprieve
12. reprimand, reprehend
13. reptile
14. repugnant, repulsive, repellent, repellant
15. reputation

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