Happy Habits!

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
I just gave hugs to someone in a post and I always put a baker's dozen {13} brackets to represent my life as a baker. It is just something cute I started to do a long time ago and while no one probably notices, I like it. :)

Does anyone else have any little things they do here or on other sites or in regular life that may not get noticed but are a happy habit?
I send e-cards to people...but they usually notice. I type in "Hugs" a lot...it's cause I can and I do a lot of real hugging in my job, residents and co-workers.
I have been a happy recipient of some of those cards and hopefully one day will get one of those real hugs!

The habit doesn't have to be "secret", just something you do to feel good and/or make others feel good! :)
i go around my building on saturday and sunday nights before the cleaning guys get in and collect cans and bottles soda and water leftover from the catering tables of our sports and news departments and keep my dept. (engineering/broadcast maintenance) stocked up throughout the year.

i'm not sure if my co-workers realize that i do that every weekend, or where our stores of drinks comes from. our bosses are too cheap to buy it for us, so we have to scrounge for ourselves. it cracks me up when i hear grumbling that we're getting low, like little elves bring it in but are sleeping on the job.
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Bucky, you really are a sweetheart!
{{{{{{{{{{{{{Bucky Tom}}}}}}}}}}}}}

But I won't say that in front of your coworkers ;)
I always draw a heart or flower when I label my kids things, buy a meal or something to eat for beggers when I can afford it instead of giving them cash, I always tell my kids I love them before bedtime.
I don't do any one special thing. I keep our unit supplied with k-cups so that we don't kill the children in our care, occasionally someone will toss me some $ for it, but I don't get all weird about it. (BT, I like the idea of the bottles etc!)

I text my kids "Luff you" at random moments during their day. With their schedules and mine we don't see each other as often as we used to.

Maybe I'm going to have to step up my game now!
Oh! I keep chocolate on hand for anyone who wanders into the office and the k-cups filled. Some contribute, I set a piggy bank next to the Keurig and I've gotten about $20 out of it in two and a half years. Went out and bought more M&Ms with it.
When I managed a data admin department for the Provincial Government, I used to keep a candy jar on my table and everyone could help themselves. Once in awhile I would see some candy in there I didn't purchase, but I still was the main supplier and didn't mind, even though I didn't eat much. :)

Now I always keep a few doggy treats in my pocket when I go for walks in the complex just in case I run into some of the regulars walking their dogs. I only give them when I know the owners don't object.
Doggie treats in my pockets is a must. I also make sure there is one in my pocket when I come home so a neighbor doggie named "Buddy" a Shih Tzu, can get a treat off me, too. He will drag his owner back to the parking lot if I pull in while he is outside. Still don't know her name, but I know the dog's name:rolleyes:...we've been pals for a couple years.
I had to think about this one and I finally came up with something that I have been automatically been doing for years and that is showing respect to elders. I always hold doors for them, wait for them to cross the street, allow them in front of me in line at the grocery. We have quite a few elderly in our neighborhood and when we moved here it was kind of automatic to seek them out, befriend them and watch over them. If they need groceries and can't go, I go. When it snows we clear their driveways and sidewalks. It's always just been something I do so I think that qualifies as a happy habit !
I had to think about this one and I finally came up with something that I have been automatically been doing for years and that is showing respect to elders. I always hold doors for them, wait for them to cross the street, allow them in front of me in line at the grocery. We have quite a few elderly in our neighborhood and when we moved here it was kind of automatic to seek them out, befriend them and watch over them. If they need groceries and can't go, I go. When it snows we clear their driveways and sidewalks. It's always just been something I do so I think that qualifies as a happy habit !
MrsLMB, that is a wonderful happy habit to have. I look out for my next door neighbour, who is just 60 but has had a lot of health problems. I have given her my "right out front" parking space so she doesn't have to walk and can get her walker in easily....and I could use the short walk to our other space while TB parks in her spot underground - good for him, bad for her and I!
Doggie treats in my pockets is a must. I also make sure there is one in my pocket when I come home so a neighbor doggie named "Buddy" a Shih Tzu, can get a treat off me, too. He will drag his owner back to the parking lot if I pull in while he is outside. Still don't know her name, but I know the dog's name:rolleyes:...we've been pals for a couple years.

It is funny how you learn the pet names but not the people names! :LOL:
My wife is a nurse & works 12+ hour shifts. Every morning she works I make her lunch and wake her up with a cup of coffee.
My wife is a nurse & works 12+ hour shifts. Every morning she works I make her lunch and wake her up with a cup of coffee.

Now that would be appreciated around my house...:LOL: Pleased to meet you. I am a nurse, too...Shrek just complains about the extra time I put in.
Wow, there are a lot of happy habits out there (well, maybe except for Shrek but we give allowances because he is an Ogre after all :LOL:). Keep them coming!
Now that would be appreciated around my house...:LOL: Pleased to meet you. I am a nurse, too...Shrek just complains about the extra time I put in.
Now PF I caught ya, I know how much he means to you. My two pretty green ogre's.
Wow, there are a lot of happy habits out there (well, maybe except for Shrek but we give allowances because he is an Ogre after all :LOL:). Keep them coming!

Shrek has a habit of waking up happy...does that count? :ROFLMAO:

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