I guess it's true that we shrink during the day

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Head Chef
Dec 5, 2018
Columbus, Ohio
I've noticed lately that, after a day at work, I have to adjust my rear view mirror (tilting it down) so I can get a full view of cars behind me. But then when I get into my car in the mornings, I have to tilt it back up because I'm seeing too much of the rear deck and not enough 'full view' of the outside. And this has only been happening the last couple of months, starting in my older years (I just turned 60 in November).

It was very difficult to write that because I'm still in shock.


Does anyone else experience this? And what other oddball things have you noticed you have to do differently since becoming older?
even if you did shrink, you wouldn't be growing back overnight. that doesn't make sense.
No, it doesn't sound like it makes much sense. But I read once where our bodies 'shrink' during the day. In short, this is basically what it says...

As we stand and sit upright for hours, our intervertebral discs are compressed and the spine become shorter. Most adults get about 1% shorter over the course of a typical day. While one sleeps, the intervertebral discs absorb water, swell up a bit, and we regain that height.

And it must be true. Otherwise I wouldn't have to adjust my rear view mirror twice a day.
As I have read it, it's not actual shrinkage. It's the gaps between the vertebrae getting smaller as the muscles in your back start to get tired. That's why it happens after a long day. Then you refresh the muscles when you sleep and they hold your back up better.
As I have read it, it's not actual shrinkage. It's the gaps between the vertebrae getting smaller as the muscles in your back start to get tired. That's why it happens after a long day. Then you refresh the muscles when you sleep and they hold your back up better.
Kind of crazy how that happens. But apparently it does. Oddly, I never noticed it before until recently. But I swear, at the end of the day, I'm shorter. :ROFLMAO:
I've not heard any of this...and yet it does make sense. What I have heard is that puppies do their growing while they sleep. Our Stanley boy is... :unsure: ...super-sized. My theory is we let him sleep too much in the growing months! :ROFLMAO:
I've got a dozen years on you, @Linda0818, but I noticed the same thing in by early 60s. I can reach bowls on the top shelf without shoes early in the day, but by nighttime I better have my shoes on if I intend to put the bowls back. :ermm:

I always thought it would be great to have a car with "Driver 1" and "Driver 2" settings for the power driver's seat. When we bought our 2014 Santa Fe in 2018, we got a slick used one with ALL of the bells and whistles. I told Himself I was taking both settings. They would now be known as "Morning driver" and "Evening driver". He wasn't happy with that suggestion, so I still have to fiddle with my mirror settings.
Of course we shrink at the end of a day, whether from slack and slumped muscles and/or vertebrae. The older you get, the more you notice.
Then, of course, you have people like me whose posture is so bad... you never have to adjust the mirrors.
I remember when there was compulsory army service, some of the tall guys got themselves transported lying down to the medical, so they would just be over the maximum height...
I've got a dozen years on you, @Linda0818, but I noticed the same thing in by early 60s. I can reach bowls on the top shelf without shoes early in the day, but by nighttime I better have my shoes on if I intend to put the bowls back. :ermm:

I always thought it would be great to have a car with "Driver 1" and "Driver 2" settings for the power driver's seat. When we bought our 2014 Santa Fe in 2018, we got a slick used one with ALL of the bells and whistles. I told Himself I was taking both settings. They would now be known as "Morning driver" and "Evening driver". He wasn't happy with that suggestion, so I still have to fiddle with my mirror settings.
Right? That's what I need.

Button 1: Morning commute.
Button 2: Afternoon commute.

Of course we shrink at the end of a day, whether from slack and slumped muscles and/or vertebrae. The older you get, the more you notice.
Then, of course, you have people like me whose posture is so bad... you never have to adjust the mirrors.
My posture isn't too bad (although it could be better because I often find myself slumping) but my body, in general, hurts every single day. My hips, my back and especially my feet (neuropathy and arthritis). So by the time the afternoon rolls around, I'm literally hobbling just to get around. I also have osteoarthritis.

Just take me out to pasture and put me down. I'm a lame horse. :ROFLMAO:
I remember when there was compulsory army service, some of the tall guys got themselves transported lying down to the medical, so they would just be over the maximum height...
I've heard similar stories about such situations. One in particular was one of them trying to stretch themselves by hanging from something for a period of time.

And what just popped into my mind as I typed that? Barney Fife :LOL:


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I've noticed lately that, after a day at work, I have to adjust my rear view mirror (tilting it down) so I can get a full view of cars behind me. But then when I get into my car in the mornings, I have to tilt it back up because I'm seeing too much of the rear deck and not enough 'full view' of the outside. And this has only been happening the last couple of months, starting in my older years (I just turned 60 in November).

It was very difficult to write that because I'm still in shock.


Does anyone else experience this? And what other oddball things have you noticed you have to do differently since becoming older?
You are probably dehydrated.

Is your job physically demanding? If you lose a lot of water through sweating, then you could in theory become "smaller". Personally I have never had this happen to me.
You are probably dehydrated.

Is your job physically demanding? If you lose a lot of water through sweating, then you could in theory become "smaller". Personally I have never had this happen to me.
I have a desk job. Have had the same job for the last 16 years. I'm mostly administrative. Plus I drink a lot of water throughout the day.

I think it's just due to aging, although I don't exactly know why it happens, other than the explanation I've found that I posted above.
I have a desk job. Have had the same job for the last 16 years. I'm mostly administrative. Plus I drink a lot of water throughout the day.

I think it's just due to aging, although I don't exactly know why it happens, other than the explanation I've found that I posted above.
I can see why you get smaller as you age, but you shouldn't be able to gain your height back the next day.

If I were to guess, the space between the discs in your spine probably becomes smaller at the end of the day, for some reason. And then as you relax over the night, the space becomes big again. This is the only thing that can explain this yo-yo effect that you see.

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