Friday Oct 25, Dinner plans?

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May 10, 2002
Edmonton, Alberta
Seems like there are a lot of birthdays in our family today! My brother, my nephew and two friends. WOW.

I'm leaving something for the family made of turkey breast. I found a good deal on them at the grocery store, so that's the main meal. I'll also leave steamed grean beans (last of the garden crop) tossed with parmesan and rosemary salt. I'm thinking that quinoa will be the easiest starch for them as well. That might change once I decide what to do with the turkey breast. If I bread them I'll leave the quinoa, if I do some kind of sauce or stewing with them then there will be pasta to soak up the sauce. I'll update later.

Dessert will be cake. I'm going to go make a pound cake. That one of .40's is a favorite around here. We have some blueberries to go with. Mmmmmmm.
Maybe you've said why before, Alix, but why are you always leaving food? Can't Ken or your girls cook, or do you enjoy doing this for them? Do you eat the leftovers when you get back home? This inquiring mind wants to know :mrgreen:

I think tonight I'll have blackened orange roughy and a grilled romaine salad. Maybe a little rice with butter, too.
Maybe you've said why before, Alix, but why are you always leaving food? Can't Ken or your girls cook, or do you enjoy doing this for them? Do you eat the leftovers when you get back home? This inquiring mind wants to know :mrgreen:

I think tonight I'll have blackened orange roughy and a grilled romaine salad. Maybe a little rice with butter, too.

Pac, what, pray tell, is roughy?
Okay, so today was supposed to be the big Clam Chowder experiment... unfortunately, when I opened the tin of clams I was so repulsed by how they looked (and smelt) I put them straight in the bin! :sick:

So, now it will be Crab and Sweetcorn Chowder instead! ;) (Luckily I had a tin of lump crabmeat in the cupboard.)

Clams are going on my list of foods I never want to see on my plate! :LOL:


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Pac, what, pray tell, is roughy?

Orange Roughy, it's a fish. Mild, firm white flesh. It must be native to New Zealand because that all I ever see for sale, from NZ.

Sorry to hear about the clams.
We may never know... were they off, or do you just not like clams... :ermm:
Good plan B though :chef:
I like the smell of tinned clams. They don't really smell fishy, more of a sweet smell, like their flavor.
Orange Roughy, it's a fish. Mild, firm white flesh. It must be native to New Zealand because that all I ever see for sale, from NZ.

Sorry to hear about the clams.
We may never know... were they off, or do you just not like clams... :ermm:
Good plan B though :chef:
I like the smell of tinned clams. They don't really smell fishy, more of a sweet smell, like their flavor.

Ah, well that sounds very nice indeed then! (Now I know what it is!) :)

I think I just don't like clams. The smell wasn't strong (and it wasn't fishy), I just really didn't like it.
pacanis, I work 3 evenings a week and I leave food for my family because I like to. If there are a lot of leftovers or someone has expressed a desire to cook, then I let it be. Its just my way of letting them know I love them and am thinking of them even when I'm not with them. Oh, and I only get leftovers if I make a LOT or if they don't like what I've left! I only got a sniff of the bolognese from 2 nights ago darn it!

My plan has changed a bit. I was messing around and found and decided to try out one of the ideas on there. I'm cutting up the turkey breast, some potatoes and using the green beans, but they are going in a one dish meal. Turkey pieces in the middle, potatoes on one side, beans on the other. It says to sprinkle with dry italian salad dressing mix then cover with foil and bake. I don't have any so I'll sub with a bit of red pepper salad dressing and my own blend of herbs. I have some provence I want to try out. We'll see how that goes over. It sounds like it might be nice.
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Thanks for the answer, Alix. That's really nice of you to do that for them.

Katy, it's pretty reasonably priced, too. Another reason I like it.
Thanks Katy! I'll tell you how it goes.

pacanis, thanks for the compliment.

Sadly, I was lazy and played on the computer so long the cake might not get made! I'll have to see if it takes too long in the oven or if I can squeeze it in now!
Well, after all the trials, tribulations and discussions - I give you Crab and Sweetcorn Chowder (sort of) :LOL: The good news is Ollie liked it and we had two empty dishes! So, undoubtedly not very authentic, but jolly tasty!


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Looks delicious Katy!

Here is my experiment.


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It sure does look delicious. Great looking chowder, Katy.

And I like your experiment, Alix. I take it you aren't going to try to turn or toss anything. Let us know how it comes out. Oh, are you going to cover it at all?
Well, after all the trials, tribulations and discussions - I give you Crab and Sweetcorn Chowder (sort of) :LOL: The good news is Ollie liked it and we had two empty dishes! So, undoubtedly not very authentic, but jolly tasty!
That look so yummy Katy! I there is any left, please feel free to pass a little to the west. ;)
Seems like there are a lot of birthdays in our family today! My brother, my nephew and two friends. WOW...
Alix, if I introduce you to my friend Pat you can add one more to your list - her birthday is today too! Also, your dinner looks really good. As in, if I made that for the two of us I'd have to use two smaller dishes and hide one of them right after they come out of the oven!


I'm planning on making Bubble 'n' Squeak for the first time tonight, but I'm also debating on whether or not to do my grocery run today or tomorrow. After shopping I have no interest in cooking that night! Anyway, I have the potatoes baking right now so they can cool (I never have leftover baked spuds) and I might prep all the other ingredients while waiting for the potatoes (and a load of laundry). If I make it today I'll report back later. If I don't make it till tomorrow you'll see it in that thread. ;)

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