What's cookin' good lookin'? Fri. Jan17, 2014

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I pulled a steak out of the freezer a couple hours ago that I'm going to grill.
I was undecided on a side, so I went back in and pulled out some bacon, thinking green beans and bacon, but then I pulled some gnocchi out of the cupboard and headed to Google, having some kind of gnocchi and bacon dish in my mind. And I found this :yum:
After the Tire incident, and the Car Alarm That Wouldn't Turn Off incident, we're going out for Thai.
I pulled a steak out of the freezer a couple hours ago that I'm going to grill.
I was undecided on a side, so I went back in and pulled out some bacon, thinking green beans and bacon, but then I pulled some gnocchi out of the cupboard and headed to Google, having some kind of gnocchi and bacon dish in my mind. And I found this :yum:

That looks incredible. I wonder if I have gnocchi in the cupboard.
I was inspired by a lack of desire to cook dinner so we had leftovers. Pasta with sausage and meatballs in sauce.
Wowzers Pac! That link looks deeeeeeelish. I'd cook the steak tomorrow myself.

I thought about it, but it had been thawing on the counter so... :rolleyes:

That looks incredible. I wonder if I have gnocchi in the cupboard.

With any luck you do. This was delicious. A meal in itself, but a good hearty side, also.
I made it in two crocks and left the second for tomorrow or Sunday.


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I thought about it, but it had been thawing on the counter so... :rolleyes:

With any luck you do. This was delicious. A meal in itself, but a good hearty side, also.
I made it in two crocks and left the second for tomorrow or Sunday.

I can't stop staring at this....

Looks delicious, Pac!
Looks good, Pac!

Tonight we went across the street to the local Legion branch to support their Friday wing night. Turns out they were out of wings, so I ended up eating fish and too many fries. They had pogos for sale also, I bought a couple and none of us ate them. Nasty things, they are.

My friend was playing with his jazz band so we sat and watched them for a while. I drank too much beer, as usual.:pig: Off to bed for this guy...Work in the morning, catering job for a hockey tournament and then a gig tomorrow night.....zzzzzzzz
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That gnocchi dish does sound good.

I have been inspired by this thread: http://www.discusscooking.com/forums/f157/flatout-flatbread-for-pizza-88696.html#post1337127

Can someone tell me what temperature to set the oven and for how long?
I used whole grain pita. We used pasata as the sauce and added fresh oregano, basil, thyme, and rosemary (someone here posted that those are the herbs for pasta sauce). We topped the sauce with crushed chilis, some ham sausage, some pieux (Genoa style salami), and shredded Gruyere. It turned out very tasty.

Stirling has tried making flat bread pizza before and was very disappointed. He liked this one, but would prefer pepperoni.

The thermostat on the oven was misbehaving. We set the temperature to 400°F and it never thought it was hotter than 275°F. Well, the stove is 25 years old. It's probably time to replace it.
Looks good, Pac!

Tonight we went across the street to the local Legion branch to support their Friday wing night. Turns out they were out of wings, so I ended up eating fish and too many fries. They had pogos for sale also, I bought a couple and none of us ate them. Nasty things, they are.

My friend was playing with his jazz band so we sat and watched them for a while. I drank too much beer, as usual.:pig: Off to bed for this guy...Work in the morning, catering job for a hockey tournament and then a gig tomorrow night.....zzzzzzzz
The Legion is always, well, different. ;)

I've never tried a Pogo. They looked nasty. I'm kinda pleased to hear someone agree. I think the Merkans would call it a corn dog, but I'm not sure.
With any luck you do. This was delicious. A meal in itself, but a good hearty side, also.
I made it in two crocks and left the second for tomorrow or Sunday.
That does look tasty, Pac!

We had roast pork loin with homemade barbecue sauce, baked beans, and a pasta & cheese side dish.
We had a breakfast dinner! This may sound odd, but we had bacon, toast, scrambled eggs, sausage balls, brown sugar and cinnamon oatmeal, and a few doughnuts.


Good night!

With love,
Breakfast dinners are great!

We had salmon again, but it is good for my diet and really tasty. I just squeezed lemon juice over, then sprinkled dill, salt and fresh ground pepper. I topped it with lemon slices and baked it. No fat or oil and it was delicious. We had some rice and Greek salad - no dressing for me!
Made pastrami and roast beef paninis. Himself heated up way too many tater tots...and then ate most of them, :glare: And he wonders why we rarely have them in the house. *sigh* Our "veggies" were dill pickles and cherry tomatoes. Sometimes you just have to throw nutrition to the wind. :LOL:

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