Biscuits - better late than never!

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
I've been cooking, really cooking, since I was 8, which means 62 years. During that time I've scaled mountains of cooking challeng and am now quite accomplished in many, many areas of the cooking world except.....

Biscuits have been my nemesis. I bet I've tried hundreds of recipes, studied methods and have had people show me how, but zero, zip, nada success.

That is, until today. Last week I decided to try one more time and did another search of the 'net an came up with this recipe. Bingo, double bingo.

Perfect, fluffy, high and buttery biscuits. And as George Carlin once asked his mother after she prepared some recipe, "Does it look like the picture?"

Yep, you bet your bunny shoes...exactly like the picture!! And they were delicious. We had them slathered with butter and dripping with honey!

Glad you finally mastered bisquits, katie!

I looked at the recipe you used and it looks almost just like my mom's handwritten recipe, that she had in her notebook, from as early as I can remember reading. It had a step "roll and fold 5 times", and that was way before I knew anything about rolling and folding pastries, to make them flaky, but it does make those bisquits flaky, as well.
I've been cooking, really cooking, since I was 8, which means 62 years. During that time I've scaled mountains of cooking challeng and am now quite accomplished in many, many areas of the cooking world except.....

Biscuits have been my nemesis. I bet I've tried hundreds of recipes, studied methods and have had people show me how, but zero, zip, nada success.

That is, until today. Last week I decided to try one more time and did another search of the 'net an came up with this recipe. Bingo, double bingo.

Perfect, fluffy, high and buttery biscuits. And as George Carlin once asked his mother after she prepared some recipe, "Does it look like the picture?"

Yep, you bet your bunny shoes...exactly like the picture!! And they were delicious. We had them slathered with butter and dripping with honey!


Katie, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Isn't it a great feeling to finally reach perfection in something!!!

(Yep, you bet your bunny shoes) love it. lol
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