Pics from the garden

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had my best ever harvest of onions this year, here is half the crop...maybe the trick was starting the seeds in January, whatever, it worked


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those look great beth!
i'll be trying onions and potatoes next year.
maybe garlic.
yep I plan on digging them in on my final attempt at tulips!!!
critters have eaten over 100 bulbs on me in 3 years.
I plan to go "Caddyshack", Bill Murray style, on them in the near future.... if you've ever seen the movie.
nope, haven't seen the movie, but I have had $100.00's of bulbs eaten by critters, my list is short of what the deer, skunks and company will not eat:mad:
I have been picking peppers, eggplants and burpless cukes for about 3 weeks, but just took the first 2 tomatoes. There are a lot of tomatoes, but they are sitting there, still very green. Speaking of green, I planted a green cherry tomato plant this year. How do I know the green tomatoes are ripe?
I managed to get a few Ichiban eggplants before the rotten wildlife got them. Thankfully, the plants are very prolific.

These are split in half, prepped with oil, salt and pepper and ready for the kettle grill.


very nice, lee.
and thanks. i grew the same kind of eggplants, but didn't know they were called ichibans.

i'm only having an average year, eggplant-wise. my japanese white are barely producing, but the ichibans have given me about 6 or 7 nice fruits.

btw, i really like that mesh insert for your kettle grill. is that hand-made, and/or available commercially?
Thanks, bt!

The smoker basket is a Brinkmann accessory Smokeshop Smoker Basket that I bought years ago and use a LOT.

At the time I bought this, they also had a mesh loaf basket which I use to make smoked meatloaf. Not sure if that's still available.

I had a flury of tomatoes the past couple of weeks. Alot of the tomato plants are browning now and giving one last ditch effort to bloom.

I harvested about 2 dozen Ichibans from two plants so far and they are still producing.

My bell peppers are "ok". Some small fruits on the colored ones. I was able to harvest 3-4 green bells.

The hot pepper plants grew, then produced only a few peppers. Then they grew alot taller and now have a bunch of little buds on them.

The strawberries didn't really do squat. I never got the hay and the tomatoes over ran the garden.

Only the oregano, thyme and chive like the pots year round. The other herbs will be in the ground next year.

Beth, those onions look great. Can you use the green tops for anything or no?
We're having great luck with peppers this year, and a lot of Romas are finally getting ripe, but what I bought for beefsteaks turned out to be Romas, so the only two slicers I have are a couple of Better Boys, and they're just starting to turn.
I got this one out of the garden before the birds did! It's been ripening on the counter for a few days. It's 1.25-lb Kellogg's Breakfast heirloom tomato.


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I had a flury of tomatoes the past couple of weeks. Alot of the tomato plants are browning now and giving one last ditch effort to bloom.

I harvested about 2 dozen Ichibans from two plants so far and they are still producing.

My bell peppers are "ok". Some small fruits on the colored ones. I was able to harvest 3-4 green bells.

The hot pepper plants grew, then produced only a few peppers. Then they grew alot taller and now have a bunch of little buds on them.

The strawberries didn't really do squat. I never got the hay and the tomatoes over ran the garden.

Only the oregano, thyme and chive like the pots year round. The other herbs will be in the ground next year.

Beth, those onions look great. Can you use the green tops for anything or no?

That's all I have to say. hint, hint
I got this one out of the garden before the birds did! It's been ripening on the counter for a few days. It's 1.25-lb Kellogg's Breakfast heirloom tomato.

That is cool!

Try to get a shot when you slice into it. I forgot to do that for mine.
We;ve had lots of tomatoes, green beans, ichibans, and chili peppers. It has only been a fair year for squash, okra, sweet peppers. For some reason this was the worst year I ever had for cucmbers. The limas and purple hull peas are just starting to get ready so we'll see. I did have a good year for grapes and berries. We really could use alot of rain, it has almost been as dry the last few weeks as it was last year. (No one in this part of the country could remember it being that dry)
That's a pretty wild looking tomato GG. My Tahitian Lime tree produces large fruit at times but this is by far the largest it has so far, it is next to a normal size one and an Orange, it weighs 8oz [225grms]
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