What did you eat Sunday, April 7, 2024?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Pan-fried burger on a small cracked wheat roll, American cheese, pickles chips, ketchup.

There was a lot left of the Sunday gravy I made a while back. So, I defrosted it today, and sliced up the meatballs and sausages, and shredded the beef from the braciole, and made 3 separate subs with each of the meats, with provolone, mozzarella and ParmR cheese. I had 1/2 of the meatball and sausage subs, and Craig ate the rest.

There's still some meatball and braciole meat so guess I'll make a baked pasta dish.
I deep fried some chicken thighs for a sandwich. Something like a Chik-fil-a sandwich, but mine actually tasted good. I also double fried some French fries, and seasoned them right out of the fryer, which unlike Chik-fil-a, produced fried potatoes that don't taste like cardboard.

No pictures, because it didn't look particularly pretty, but it did taste good. I have to admit my chicken sandwich was not quite as good as the one from Popeyes, but it was still pretty tasty. My fries were better than theirs. You gotta' do a double fry, then season them right out of the deep fryer. Crisp on the outside, and fluffy on the inside.

We had lunch for breakfast, then a big snack, and I'm having fermented 9 grain flakes with carrot slaw for a comforting late dinner.
I won both games of cribbage tonight. Life couldn't be better.
I made burgers in my big cast iron skillet on my largest burner. Nice crust on the outside, nice pink inside. Ran the fan over the stove. No smoke inside, no fire truck outside. 😆 Sides were tots, and tomatoes and corn with Tajin.

I did that Saturday night. My vent fan is one of those built into microwave ovens that just runs through a filter and vents into the kitchen. There wasn't a practical way to run it outside. So my house smelled like burger for a few hours. I'm okay with that.

Like you, I used a cast iron skillet on the stove, so I did have to do some cleaning after I ate my burger. I think it was worth it.

Had a big brunch then fries mid-afternoon.

I'm really craving another batch of fries later today, after I sit outside and wish I could see the eclipse through the clouds (I'm not optimistic about the clouds going away between now and 1:30 this afternoon).

I buy the Ore-Ida frozen fires, and double fry them, once at 325F to cook the insides, after which I let them cool on some paper towels. The, a second fry at 375F, which gives them a crisp exterior that lasts more than a few minutes.

Do you cook yours from scratch, or cheat like I do. I find the cheater fries to actually be better than I can make from scratch.

I'm afraid I double cheat casey. I do them in the oven. I also spritz them with some oil spray. Makes them crispier on the outside. It only takes about 25 minutes all together. (toss half way).

I buy McCains Straight Cut frozen.
I'm afraid I double cheat casey. I do them in the oven. I also spritz them with some oil spray. Makes them crispier on the outside. It only takes about 25 minutes all together. (toss half way).

I buy McCains Straight Cut frozen.

I know that deep frying, or as they call it in Texas, "deep fat frying," is not healthy, and it does make a bit of a mess. But, when I get a craving for some fries, I have to cook them one certain way. That means double frying frozen Ore-Ida fries in peanut oil. It is one of those "comfort food" things for me. No culinarily verifiable reason for it, It is just what I have to do. :ROFLMAO:

Well, I had a lovely brunch with some friends. We started off with some avocado toast topped with poached eggs and a sprinkle of chili flakes.
Alongside the avocado toast and fruit salad, we also included some whole grain bread with the avocado toast to add some extra fiber. The roasted vegetables we had with the salmon included fiber-rich options like bell peppers, broccoli, and carrots. It was a nutritious meal packed with flavor and plenty of fiber to keep us feeling satisfied and energized throughout the day!

I didn't click any picture but here's one for reference

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