11/24/10 WEDNESDAY - What's cooking?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Something quick and easy which I will figure out later!! I will be doing enough cooking for tomorrow so maybe grilled cheese or a bowl of cereal!!

Any plans?
Youngest is home from college, oldest is off work today but has to work tomorrow. We're taking the two guys out for steak at their choice of steakhouses. Figure we'll have enough to eat tomorrow and I'll be baking most of the day today.
We go to an RPG (role playing game) on Wednesdays. We all bring our suppers and heat them at my friend's place, where we have the game. We'll be having leftovers from yesterday's "Frieda's Kasserolle". It turned out really good.
I'll be prepping and cooking all day. I don't think I'll be cooking tonight. Maybe a take-out from a nearby restaurant or TJ's flatbreads.
Dad and I were going to stop and pick up some Chinese food on the way back into town last night but it was getting late and the roads were starting to get icy so we came straight home.

But the idea is in my head so I think I will make sweet and sour pork (half battered for Dad and half plain for DH - I will eat both). Fried rice and veggie chop suey will be the probable sides. I will cheat and buy some prepared veggies as I will be in cake mode most of the day.
Going to work tonight. Only Ken and our youngest will be at home for dinner. I'm not sure what I'll leave them, but it better be something WARM!
I'm taking salisbury steak and mac 'n cheese to work. I will be making the pumpkin custard tonight before going to bed.
Was going to make Beef Barley Soup for supper as its -43 here with the wind chill and DH is freezing his butt off @ work today, but as I was snooping in the freeze for the meat I came across some pork hocks, SO long and short, I am making him struddel mmmmm Grandma makes the best but Im certainly going to try!!!
We go to an RPG (role playing game) on Wednesdays. We all bring our suppers and heat them at my friend's place, where we have the game. We'll be having leftovers from yesterday's "Frieda's Kasserolle". It turned out really good.

What fun! I've always wanted to get into RPG's but so far have only played them in video game format. We don't have any friends that are interested in it.

I'll be doing some baking tonight so I'm just going to let a pot of chili go on the stove. Need to squeeze in the gooey cornbread between all the other baked goods. I can't wait to try that stuff!
Going to cook a pork loin latter. Just took two Sweet Potato and Pecan Pies out of the oven.

I got my turkey wings roasted and now they are simmering with veggies and herbs. My house smells YUMMY!! Still have no clue whats for dinner though!!
I am having the pre-made meal from the other night. Salmon Cake, Spinach, Parsley Potatoes and Stewed Tomatoes. So now I have time to get a head start on tomorrows meal. I have the sweet potatoes on to boil now for the Mashed Casserole. I am going to steam the Cauliflour, make Pumpkin and Apple Pies, Stuffing and prep the Turkey tonight. In the morning I will make Lion House Rolls, prepare the Lemon Pepper Green Beans, Corn, Mashed White Potatoes and the Turkey and Gravy of course. And probably million other things I will find I need to do.
I ended up doing a variation of Beef and Onion Pie. I did a Mexican version. Bisquik crust, lean ground beef with onion and garlic, cumin, chili powder. Then after that was cooked I stirred in some salsa and sour cream. Topped it with Jack cheese, chopped Jalapenos and Tomaters.


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Looks good. Did it taste as good as it looks?

It sure did. I didn't have any actual Bisquik, so I had to get a recipe for it off of the net. Used butter in it. Holy Calories Batman! Sent a few peices to the Pastor. And my daughter, in true 13 year old fashion, looked at me like I just presented her with a severed head.:LOL: She picked through it.
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turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy. sweet potato casserole, scalloped sweet potatoes. green bean casserole, home made cranberry sauce, stuffing, ham, and rolls. bubbly wine and pecan pie, pumpkin bars, and pumpkin pie. it was all just wonderful and i am stuffed. and just a little bit tipsy. lol
turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy. sweet potato casserole, scalloped sweet potatoes. green bean casserole, home made cranberry sauce, stuffing, ham, and rolls. bubbly wine and pecan pie, pumpkin bars, and pumpkin pie. it was all just wonderful and i am stuffed. and just a little bit tipsy. lol

Sounds wonderful babe! Glad you enjoyed it. I'm very much looking forward to the feast tomorrow.
I made 3 half sheet chocolate cakes which will end up being cut into squares to form baby blocks for a shower cake.

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