11x7 baking dish

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Senior Cook
Jul 12, 2023
I spent a couple of hours online looking at what was available in 11x7 casserole or baking dishes. What little there was was too heavy and too deep.

So I went on eBay and bought myself a vintage Pyrex 11x7 with handles and I think I'm going to love it.
We always called the 11”x7” pans brownie pans.

I have a stamped steel and a Pyrex version.

They are perfect for small roasts and scaled down versions of mac and cheese, scalloped potatoes, etc…

If I need something deeper I use a Pyrex loaf pan. The loaf pan works great for a scaled down version of lasagna, baked beans, etc..,
We always called the 11”x7” pans brownie pans.

I have a stamped steel and a Pyrex version.

They are perfect for small roasts and scaled down versions of mac and cheese, scalloped potatoes, etc…

If I need something deeper I use a Pyrex loaf pan. The loaf pan works great for a scaled down version of lasagna, baked beans, etc..,
I am just cooking for myself so I've been trying more and more to just half the recipe. I've been putting that in the square pans. The capacity on this is right in between the 8x8 and the 9x9. I guess it'll take up more room in the fridge though. I think I can use it for the full recipe of King Ranch chicken where I stand up the chips in it so they don't get soggy. Because the big 9x13 I've been using makes a real shallow batch of it although you do need those sides to keep the chips standing up so that may or may not work but I don't think it'll be a tragedy either way!

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