9-20-2010 Whatcha Havin for Supper

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Uncle Bob

Chef Extraordinaire
Nov 5, 2006
Small Town Mississippi
Cadillac Cactus Juice Cocktails..........
Chicken Fricassee....
Asparagus Casserole....
Tomato Aspic/Avocado Salad.......
Chocolate Ice Cream......

Your Turn!!!

Where is my salt shaker????
We just ordered Chinese Delivery...2 appetizer combo platters and an order of veggie fried rice to share. Heck, I just woke up an hour ago!
Well, so far I know its going to be home fries. I have a LOT of potatoes to use up. Caesar salad. I have some burger thawing so likely some kind of "stuff" likely with gravy to use on the fries. Sounds like its going to look pretty ugly but I know it will at least TASTE good. LOL!
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BBQD spareribs (marinated in Kikkoman, pomegranate, sugar, vinegar, ginger, and garlic), Caesar salad, steamed Lima beans, Sam Adams' Octoberfest beer, blackberry ice cream.

Ribs again tomorrow with steamed beet greens, American potato salad, and more Sam Adams.
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I am having the same thing I have been having for two days now...a meal replacement drink and toast.

I will probably do a meat pie for Dad.
We had sausages with peppers and onions, pasta in cheese sauce, green salad and black walnut ice cream.
We had chicken marinaded in lime juice, zest, soy, garlic, and EVOO and then grilled by DH. On the side we had rice pilaf and sautted peas and shallots.

LP - I hope you'll be feeling better very soon.
We had: Pork Roast with Rice on the side.
Tabouleh; mixed veggies; home made Korean Kimchee;
Fresh Strawberries and cream for dessert...

I no longer cook on a regular basis, my hubby retired and took over 95% of the cooking and food shopping in April 2009... He's a good cook... I work full time and lots of overtime as well as shift work. Good thing I like my job!

We have international students living with us, learning English: they are from Japan and Korea. They really enjoy my hubby's cooking! We all do!
whole grain penne, zucchini sauteed and topping the pasta bowls, home made sauce with Itl sausage, grana padano grated everywhere, and vin ordinaire.
I'm opening a bottle of local Raspberry wine, right now. Or maybe the Dark Mead...I hate deciding.
Little sis's BF sent me some pulled pork with a nice vinegar based BBQ sauce on the side, so I had that with rice as a side. No veg, wasn't in the mood.
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