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tar and feather anyone who has ever eaten poultry. The hardest part was finding out exactly who they were. So Operation Fowl Weather started with......
answer: Alton Brown's recipe for black sticky gooey stuff was better. But what to do with the pot of their original glop? Just then...
Mr. Macho Chicken Arrived and said " There's no need to Fear, Macho Chicken is here." All the hens went giddy with delight for Macho chicken is a very sexy chicken after all. But the roosters were none to pleased so they.......
Fluffed the few feathers he had left, studied his reflection and then said
"Now this is a look. I'm so macho I don't even need feathers to be sexy".
All the hens gathered and clucked. The Matriarch was the first of them to speak.....
Henry, Iam sorry but you are no longer sexy and mocho !, you look like someone plucked a few brain feathers too!! All the others were chuckling with their beaks under their wing. Poor Henry.......:chicken:
All the commotion brought out Farmer Brown who, when he saw "Macho Chicken" thought he was dreaming. After all, who's ever seen a Rooster called "Macho Chicken" clipped of the majority of his feathers and carrying a bucket of purple paint running out of the chicken coop? So Farmer Brown.....
...the sound he had hoped never to hear, the sound that brought fear to all...THE WHIR of the MAJIC BULLET BLENDER! He ran...

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