As you know, energy is converted as the domino falls from one form to another creating a chain reaction. Home repairs are Dominos.
I have an old house and always am dreaming of restoring/fixing this, that, and what-have-you. During my sister's last visit, she told me that the plaster ceiling in my guestroom gave her pause as she was sure it was bowing and felt it would crush her at any moment. (It really did seem to bow.) I hired a contractor in September to repair it and scheduled for this past week. Next week is Thanksgiving. I just returned from a trip with my sister. I have had the plaster ceiling repaired....yay! But then, the dominos started to tumble and I said (at different points):
I have an old house and always am dreaming of restoring/fixing this, that, and what-have-you. During my sister's last visit, she told me that the plaster ceiling in my guestroom gave her pause as she was sure it was bowing and felt it would crush her at any moment. (It really did seem to bow.) I hired a contractor in September to repair it and scheduled for this past week. Next week is Thanksgiving. I just returned from a trip with my sister. I have had the plaster ceiling repaired....yay! But then, the dominos started to tumble and I said (at different points):
- Could you smooth the walls on my small bath if I rip down the wall paper?
- The small bath needs painted....have you time? Pick the color....oh, okay. Light-hearted Pink!
- Is that a crack above that window?? Can you fix it???
- Oh...wow.....the wall looks great, but now this room could needs painted. Do you have time? Pick the color? Okay....um......Emberglow?
- No, I didn't notice the broken support on the banister...can you fix it?
- But of course you can work as long as you need to do so!