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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
One day I'll learn... maybe
I screwed up with the timing on my bread yesterday, AGAIN. My turn to pick up the Grands from school. I pick them up at 3:40 but have to be there by at least 3 or 3:10, otherwise I have to walk too far for my feet and back to take. Anyhooo, bread's timing was such that they should have gone in the oven at 3:20 for 25 minutes. So I wrapped them in plastic and put in the fridge.
Well they never really rose properly after and I had to use the oven upstairs. Had they risen properly for the last rise - they would have been in and out of the kitchen before SIL got home. Luckily the oven in use wasn't an issue as supper was spaghetti, all stove top. All in all in smelled good along side the onion rolls I was baking.

The onion bread did not rise to fill the pullman pan, haven't cut into it yet, but pretty sure it is just fine. Will see at breakfast.
But the buns are amazing. Just have to find some way to measure and make larger - better for hamburger buns,
Bread, especially, is probably the most finicky of the baked goods. Any variance will reap different, and usually unfortunate, results..Just put more butter on it to help it slide down..lol
I normally make sourdough bread and, although it takes longer to rise, the baking window is much larger...
Which leads me to think that it might be the same if you would make a low yeast bread?
Yeah, hear yuh Rock! Tossed the other lead sourdough breads out from the other day. Almost went thru the bottom of the bag. Butter helped, but not worth it -

But this was not a sourdough bread. Just my regular onion bread mix for the bread machine. I don't bake it in the machine tho - I do them in an oven.

My problem is my basement apartment is quite cold. Don't have anywhere warm to rise dough.
What kind of bread were you making?

Several years ago, I was making yeast dinner rolls and after the first rise, I shaped them and put them in the fridge in the sun room overnight to bake the next day. Well, I got sick or something and I remembered them two days later. They were stretched to the limit of the plastic wrap around them lol but I decided to bake them anyway. I let them warm up on the counter for maybe an hour and baked them. They turned out great.

So, what time do you normally get home from picking up the kids? I'd guess in your cold kitchen, it wouldn't hurt to let the bread stay on the counter till you got home.

Then there's the no-knead bread recipe I use sometimes. You mix up enough dough to make four loaves and put it in the fridge. It keeps for up to two weeks. The longer it stays there, the more sourdough-like flavor it develops: The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day Master Recipe! (Back to Basics updated)

I have this in my notes in my Paprika recipe app for buns:
Using digital scale, weigh each piece:
- for burger buns, 2.5 oz. - try 3 oz.
- for slider buns, 1.5 oz. - 2 oz.

Do you have a microwave in your apartment? You can use the trick I learned from Katie many years ago: heat a cup of water to boiling in the microwave and put your dough in there. The heat and steam will work beautifully to raise your dough.
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My problem is my basement apartment is quite cold. Don't have anywhere warm to rise dough.
The old Alaskan sourdoughs used to sleep with their starter and dough to help keep it warm. 😴🍞🥖💤

You could try a heating pad, hot water bottle, or kettle of hot water and a cardboard box or a laundry basket covered with a fluffy towel or blanket to keep the dough warm instead.

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