Aloha Friday Supper ~ 3/29/2024 ~ What's On Your Table?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
DH & I went to Texas Roadhouse for linner (late lunch/early dinner - we went right when they opened at 3pm, much better service from the kitchen) three days ago and we both ordered the 12 oz. (the smallest one they have) Ft Worth Rib Eye.

We each had ordered a house salad as our second side and this had fed us now for a third night!!! AND I still have half of that Baker left!!!
I tried to tell him that we could have easily shared one steak, two side and maybe an additional house salad and still brought home food!!
I bought a couple of beef tenderloin médaillons. I cooked them as steak au poivre, but used about half of the peppercorns called for in the recipe. There could have been a bit more without it getting silly. I have made that recipe with the full amount and it was overwhelmingly pepper. I made a pan sauce using brandy and whipping cream. It turned out really good. I took DH's médaillon out of the fridge about a half an hour before cooking the steaks. I took mine out right before cooking them. That worked. Mine was a perfect rare to medium rare and DH's was medium. He used to think he wanted well done. I discovered that it isn't a difference in flavour that is relevant; it's the difference in texture.

I served that with a pan sauce made using brandy and whipping cream. There was also baked potato with butter, sour cream, shredded Swiss cheese, and sliced scallions. Then there was the salad. The vinaigrette: Portuguese red wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, crushed, pureed garlic, anchovy paste, black pepper, and finally the EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil). The veg part of the salad was Boston lettuce, green crisp lettuce, romaine lettuce, mustard greens, upland cress, corn kernels, thinly slice carrots, and shaved onion. Oh yeah, there was also some giardiniera - very tasty extra veg. ;) There was a not-fancy, but very pleasant, Italian red wine with that, Bottera di Cello.

beef tenderloin pepper steak, baked potato with cheese, salad.jpg
salad - lettuces, mustard greens, upland cress, corn, carrot, onion.jpg
beef tenderloin pepper steak, baked potato, salad, and gardiniera.jpg
I had bought 4 'top medallion' steaks to have with son and DIL. Served with pan gravy, mashed potatoes and coleslaw.
The steaks were tasty but I don't think they were as tender as everyone claims them to be. I rarely (very rarely!) buy steak as I'm not really good at cooking them. All were done as medium rare. I only had time to air dry them for one day as it was a last minute purchase/decision. Family left for Florida this morning (a week to celebrate her Grandma's 90th) and I wanted to free up some prep time for them.
Earlier in the week I had bought 3 strip loin steaks. I froze 2 of them and will have one later this week. It's air drying right now. These are bit bigger and slightly different shaped, more like what one sees in pictures, LOL. Am sort of anxious to see how I do with it.
and mushrooms 24.03.29.jpg

I did take a picture of the mushroom and jalapeno poppers I had also made. It's a before pic, no afters, same with the dinner plates, too bad, so sad - I just cannot ever remember to.
BTW, thanks for the mushroom suggestion Aunt Bea - works great. Jalapeno's were not spicy at all, matter of fact they were a little bland. Next time caseydog, I will leave in the membranes or at least some of them.
Jalapeno's were not spicy at all, matter of fact they were a little bland. Next time caseydog, I will leave in the membranes or at least some of them.

The jalapeños I've grown have always been very mild at this time of year, and scorching hot by September.

The ones I buy here are usually pretty hot (I believe they are coming from Mexico). To test a jalapeño before using it, snip off the tip of the pepper, and taste it on your tongue. If that is hot, the whole pepper will be hot. If it hasn't much heat at all, you can leave the membranes intact to possibly improve the heat. I do this with other chili peppers, too. Just don't do it in the store. They frown upon that. ;)

I have no idea where they come from casey. Have never really looked but certainly will next time.

I guess the same holds true for poblano's?
@dragnlaw when you buy jalapeno peppers if you want some that are hot, look for fine lines on them, like stretch marks. Dry hot weather will do that and they are generally hotter than the smooth ones.
bliss, funny you should mention that. Think you or someone said that once before and while I'm in the store staring at them I'm thinking ... now which is it? fine lines is hot? fine lines is mild? arghhh... LOL!
You can remember it by thinking of them as stretch marks, first they are filled with water and then the sun gets very hot and they shrink a little, the skin of the pepper gets those fine lines on them. The sun makes them HOT!
I have no idea where they come from casey. Have never really looked but certainly will next time.

I guess the same holds true for poblano's?

I've only grown those once, and they were pretty consistent, but I know they have a range on the Scoville scale, like most peppers. The ones I get from my local stores are pretty consistent, too.

@dragnlaw when you buy jalapeno peppers if you want some that are hot, look for fine lines on them, like stretch marks. Dry hot weather will do that and they are generally hotter than the smooth ones.

Those lines are not always an accurate indication of heat. Growing mine in Texas, they almost always get those lines. But, I do get my hottest peppers at the end of the growing season, which is apparently caused by the weather, as it is hot and dry.

Some grocery stores won't sell the ones with lines, that look like cracks. People think there is something wrong with them.

A lot of perfectly good produce goes to waste because it is not "pretty" enough. I wish more stores had sections with marked down "ugly" produce. I'd buy it.

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