Alzheimer's Check

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Head Chef
Mar 21, 2008
Haledon, New Jersey
The following was developed as a mental age assessment by the School of Psychiatry at Harvard University . Take your time and see

if you can read each line aloud without a mistake. The average person over
40 years of age cannot do it!

1. This is this cat.

2. This is is cat.

3. This is how cat.

4. This is to cat.

5. This is keep cat.

6. This is an cat.

7. This is old cat.

8. This is fart cat.

9. This is busy cat

10. This is for cat.

11. This is forty cat.

12. This is seconds cat.

Now go back and read the third word in each line from the top down.
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I think I did this before.... but I can't remember.
Whew! I did it perfectly (I'm 55). Have you seen the test where a patient is handed a piece of paper and asked to draw a clock and make it 3:00. I woman I know that was later diagnosed with Alzheimer's couldn't do it. She stared at it, she knew that she used to be able to do it, but she simply could not. It really upset her, too, poor thing. I read constantly, which I think helps, and my students with special needs keep me on my toes. I'm always researching one thing or another and I have to keep very alert and "on it" at all times while I'm working. That being said, I often can't find a word, and it often isn't on the tip of my tongue--it's further back than that. I always come up with it, but not in a terribly timely fashion. Getting old isn't for sissies, that's fer sure. Alzheimer's (and any form of senility) is a particularly cruel disease. Uhmmmm, fart cat? See, I know there's a joke in there, but I don't get it. I will though, eventually.
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Major Oops on me! I lost the last line when I pasted - Sorry about tht - I'm off for an Alzheimer's test.


BTW HMGgal - I was worried about the word filter on that one.
I knew somthing was fishy about that "cat' because i did not have problem reading all of that Bull cat

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