August 2nd, 2006 dinner?

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when's winter?:mad:
i'm drinking plenty of fluids, maybe fruit for dinner tomorrow.
I think my friends and I are going out to some resturaunt, but we're not sure where.
I don't know. I have some spinach, mushrooms, goat cheese, & pesto in the fridge. Maybe pasta?

For dessert I'm having a peach raspberry cake and a lemon blueberry cornmeal cake. Yum! The recipe places the fruit on top of the cake after 15 minutes of baking, so the fruit doesn't sink, it stays on top. Here's a photo for Aidan's bday party with the cakes. We told him to close his eyes while we lit the candles and he just wouldn't open his eyes when we started singing.:LOL:


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lol, what great pic cora!!!

btw, how about doing a stuffed or rolled chunk or chop of animal flesh, using the shrooms, spinach and goat cheese as the stuffing? and make pesto pasta as the starch.

tonight, i'm gonna try to make a honey/balsamic glazed roasted chicken and root veggies. i'm thinking of modifying it to use the slow cooker so as not to use the oven. i might spatchcock or halve the chicken, sear in olive oil, then add everything to the slow cooker. i don't think it'll have the same effect as dry heat roasting, but it might work anyway.
buckytom said:
btw, how about doing a stuffed or rolled chunk or chop of animal flesh, using the shrooms, spinach and goat cheese as the stuffing? and make pesto pasta as the starch.
yum...animal flesh. That's a good idea bucky.
We've got chicken in the freezer. Pork tenderloin too. I wish I had some pears laying around. I've never stuffed a tenderloin before.
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cora, one of those cakes looks an awful lot like a Hawaiin pizza. I thought it was one. What kind of cakes were they and out of curiousity, why did the lucky tyke get two?
I just put a roast in the crock pot with mushrooms, onions, potatoes, carrots, celery, & garlic. Well have that with yeast rolls tonight.
I have no idea. I'm not responsible for that decision today...

corazon90 said:
I don't know. I have some spinach, mushrooms, goat cheese, & pesto in the fridge. Maybe pasta?

For dessert I'm having a peach raspberry cake and a lemon blueberry cornmeal cake. Yum! The recipe places the fruit on top of the cake after 15 minutes of baking, so the fruit doesn't sink, it stays on top. Here's a photo for Aidan's bday party with the cakes. We told him to close his eyes while we lit the candles and he just wouldn't open his eyes when we started singing.:LOL:

Cora, you need to feed him better, he is way too small for what the candles on the cakes indicate...:LOL: :ROFLMAO:

Just kidding, what an adorable photo! He is a lucky lad to have a mum who bakes not one but two lovely mouthwatering cakes for his birthday!!
I'll probably end up grilling since it's going to be brutally hot and humid here. If it gets real bad then I might just get take out. I want to try a recipe I saw in Rachael Ray's Magazine.

So if I grill i'll make those portobellos and some chipolte chicken.
That's a priceless picture, Corazon!

Last night it was so stinking hot that we just had cereal and ice cream.:rolleyes: Tonight may end up being a repeat. If I have the energy I'll make chef salads.
It will be the first sweet corn of the season.

Normally, I am the type of corn cooker who would first put the water on to boil, then go pick the corn.........but with temps expected to be 97* and who knows what the heat index will be, I already picked it. Will probably fix an egg salad or pasta salad to go with
Tonigh.. just left overs...
plus some acorn squash.

tomorrow Mousaka
with all the Greek fixings
full tummies and happy faces
PA Baker said:
That's a priceless picture, Corazon!

Last night it was so stinking hot that we just had cereal and ice cream.:rolleyes: Tonight may end up being a repeat. If I have the energy I'll make chef salads.

ditto on corazon's picture.

Stace, we are eating the same way you guys are, and in fact I had the exact same menu last night. HH skipped the cereal part and went straight for the ice cream entree. Probably will repeat something similar tonight, including your idea of salads.

This is getting ridiculous.........but at least the Edy's is on sale this week.
I was lucky enough to hit a farmer's market in Spokane, WA this a.m. and picked up some wonderful goodies!!

Butter fingerling potatoes
Sun-dried tomato, roasted onion & garlic bread
a lb. of huckleberries (yeah!!!!)
4 ears of gorgeous corn

Before I left, I took a T-bone out to thaw to split tonite, but even as much as I love a good grilled T-bone, it will take back seat to the farmer's mkt. goodies!!!!
I cheated, I went out with DH and his little girl (ok she's 21) for sushi, it was delicious. It's really cold here now, I think soup or casserole will be in order tomorrow. Daft weather.
kyles said:
I cheated, I went out with DH and his little girl (ok she's 21) for sushi, it was delicious. It's really cold here now, I think soup or casserole will be in order tomorrow. Daft weather.

Cold there? I think many of us here would love a bit of cold weather right now! It's a bad heat wave here. Sushi sounds great!
I have all kinds of leftovers we need to finish up:
2 charcoal grilled burgers (is 5 days too long?)
3-1/2 salmon patties
1 large grilled pork steak
homegrown tomatoes!

I also have more corn on the cob, but we've had it 5 days in a row, and I'm not sure if digestive tracts can handle another night of it, if you know what I mean.

Sounds like assorted sandwiches to me.
I was going to grill turkey burgers but its 101 on my deck right now and sunny, so grilling is out. I called my hubby and told him we are going somewhere for dinner, I'll just enjoy my glass of cold white wine until he gets home.

This heat is sapping my strength and my cooking energy!

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